Essay On Bournville

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Introduction :
It was in the year 1908 when Cadbury launched " Bournville". It was named after the bournville factory where it was made, and was originally launched just as a plain chocolate bar. Over the years bournville has emerged as favourites among many people. With its tag line as " you don't buy a bournville, you earn it" , it comes in several variants like bournville nut, bournville fruit, bournville roasted almond and bournville fruit and nut. This chocolate bar was re launched in India in the year 2009 with an expensive advertising campaign. The ad emphasizes on the fact that one needs to earn a bournville and this goes well with this dark chocolate as it is targeted towards the upper class or the upper middle class. In order to maintain this status the chocolate is priced very high and this creates a feeling among those who have bought it as if they have indeed earned it. This is how the company wanted to portray the product Bournville and this is how the product was advertised in the media. But the tragedy is that, of late company started giving the product free of cost with Cadbury silk. This strategy contradicts its tagline. Is this step a self destruction to their most expensive advertising or marketing campaign?

Bournville is popular throughout the globe and is liked by everyone from the young to the old. Cadbury used expensive marketing campaign in order to promote the product. The T.V commercial showed an American traveller speaking to the camera in the village of bournville in Britain. The host speaks to the camera saying " Have I earned it? no!!!, but still I am going to eat it". But then he is picked and plucked by a fierce looking bird. ...

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... only on very special occasions. 'You don't just buy a Bournville, you earn it' builds on this insight.

Case problem:
After analysing this case study we are left with lots of questions -
*Was it right for the company to move or deviate from the theme 'you got to earn it'?
*Do these strategies affect consumer behaviour?
*Has this strategy affected the brand image and brand loyalty of the customers?
*Was it done in order to promote or increase the sales of Cadbury silk? Why did the company fail? What other strategies could they have come up without deviating from the theme?
*Will the new strategy help them regain their lost fame? Your opinion on this
*Was it right from the point of the company to target only the higher income groups at the first place?
*Is this self destruction of an expensive marketing campaign?
*Your opinion on how they can rectify this mistake?

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