Essay On Beowulf As An Epic Hero

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Beowulf is a poem based on heroism. It tells such a great story that it was able to live on for over five hundred years before it was ever written down. Till this day the author is still unknown. It comes from the Old English or the Anglo-Saxon literary and historical period of time. Beowulf holds many characteristics that classify him as an epic hero; inhuman strength, loyalty, and courage The usual epic hero is most of the time on a mission. Beowulf was on a mission to help his people by getting rid of Grendel. He is determined to free the Danes from Grendel.The third characteristic of Beowulf is courage. There’s no way Beowulf would have accomplished anything without courage. “The Spear-Danes in days gone by and the kings who ruled them had courage and greatness. We have heard of those princes' heroic campaigns.” Beowulf stated here that he’s known for courage, “The man whose name was known for courage, the Geat leader, resolute in his helmet,answered in return: "We are retainers …show more content…

“ None of them expected he would ever see his homeland again or get back to his native place and the people who reared him. They knew too well the way it was before, how often the Danes had fallen prey to death in the mead-hall.” Beowulf along with his warriors didn’t expect him to to live or defeat Grendel but he attempts it anyway knowing he may die doing so. The coast guard states,”Anyone with gumption and a sharp mind will take the measure of two things: what's said and what's done. I believe what you have told me: that you are a troop loyal to our king.” about Beowulf. A third example of his loyalty states that he would rather die than live in shame, “A warrior will sooner die than live a life of shame” All though, Beowulf is still the oldest poem with no author he still represents a hero that is still admired today. His characteristics along with inhuman strength, loyalty, and courage make him an epic

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