Essay On Aztec Empire

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Aztec Mini Report
The Aztec Empire was at its height in 1519 the very year in which the Europeans arrived. The four current countries that shaped the vast majority of the empire were Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.
Social Organization
The Aztecs population had two main social classes. The first was nobility (pilli), and the second were the common people (macehualli). There was another social class, which were the slaves. Slavery was not genetic and slaves could purchase freedom.
Even though the Aztec culture was very wealthy, the general population was poor. People lived in houses made of mud bricks. They had different buildings, one for sleeping, cooking, eating and worshipping. The other contained a steam bath. They had the same things as we have now, relationships, shopping, music etc. When people died, they would …show more content…

Those three units were Tlatcani or Huey Tlatcani, (Executive) City Council and Calpulli.

The Tlatcani, or Great Speaker, was the emperor who was worshipped as a god. Any rule he made was supported by the priests, judges, governors, not only the people of the city. He had absolute power.
The (Executive) City Councils held a lot of power in the ancient Aztec Government. Within each council, there were four members who were the “executive council’. One of these four members would lead not only the city but the surrounding area as well.
The Calpulli was the basic unit of Aztec Government. Families did not own their land, it was owned by a group of families, the Calpulli. The leader in the Calpulli would be in charge of basic needs as well as being responsible of taxes, making sure they were collected.
The Aztecs didn’t have an exact word for ‘art’, but they called special things like it ‘toltecat’. The main themes in Ancient Aztec art were insects, birds, fish and animals such as jaguars, ducks, monkeys, snakes, deer, dogs.

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