Impact of the Hart-Cellar Act on American Diversity

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Due to the Hart Cellar Act the United Nations became a unique country. The years following the act’s passage diversity grew exponentially. The nation became the true definition of a melting pot, as individuals poured in from Africa, Asia, South America and Central America. The public often enjoys highlighting the negative impacts of the increased immigration. Yes, one cannot acknowledge immigration without bringing up a few drawbacks, but the positive impacts, advancements, and growth of the nation surpasses the negative impacts. Immigration quite literally changed the face of America. During the 1950s over half of the immigrants were European and only six percent were Asians, however by the 1970s only sixteen percent of immigrants were of Their presence also greatly influenced the existing American culture. The term Asian American arose in the 1960s. These new Asian immigrants and their children sought out to maintain their roots and cultures while embracing the American land and way of life. ( cite from Asian legacies quickly began to infiltrate the American culture. Asian cuisine and medical practices had already become a part of American culture but after the lifting of quotas in 1965 these influences intensified. In cuisine there was a fusion of Asian and American characteristics. Asian fusion foods such as chop suey, egg rolls, and fortune cookies became common in America.(cite from Asian architecture also had a great influence. Buildings, landscapes, and archeological resources began to reflect the newly strengthened cultural connections to Asia. In 1968 San Francisco State College and the University of California at Berkley were the first institutions of higher education to offer Asian American Studies courses. In 1973 the state of Hawaii was reported to have a population of over fifty percent Asians and all over the United States there were Chinatowns, Little Toykos, Korea towns, and Little Manilas. These towns were physical affirmations of the place of Asian immigrants in American society and the blending of the two. Throughout this time there was also a significant influx of African immigrants into the United States. The equal quotas and family reunification clause allowed for more and more African immigrants to enter the country. Between 1980 and 1990 there was a one hundred and eighty eight percent increase in African immigration. The numbers went from sixty four thousand African immigrants in 1980 to one hundred eighty four thousand immigrants in

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