Essay On American Unemployment

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American Unenmployment
The issue of unenmployment in the United States caused by the great recession has had a ripple effect and still effects working americans to this day. Although the number of people effected has gone down, their are still people being layed off. The issue of unenmployment causes companies in the United States to cut costs by downsizing their employee pool, which leaves hard working Americans jobless. These unenmployed workers find it harder to be employed again even if they try to change their proffession. Those unable to find work deal with emotional effects that may last for a life time. In the end, the economy is left scared and dented the the great number of people unenmployed. Unenmployment takes a major toll on the person especially when he/she continues to be unsuccessful in their search for a new job. A person is considered unemployed when he or she has been jobless for more than a week and cannot find a …show more content…

Although a recession may not be nearly as devastating on the economy and the people, its a sign of a depression soon to come if more people continue to lose and find jobs. Acording to the economic book Glencoe Economics Principles and Particles, a recession may occur often, especially when the values of things, such as houses and cars reaches a peak and begins decreasing (Glencoe). The loss of jobs leads people to care less about the quality of the things they buy and as a result, these goods are no longer worth as much. When people begin to conserve their money, bussinesses lose money and as a result, the rate of unemployment continues to increase leading to a depression. Glencoe describes a depression as a recession at is most severe form (Glencoe). Extreme numbers of people are unemployed, businesses are lost to bankrupcy, and people begin to lose thier homes and end up living on the

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