Essay On Ally Condie's Matching

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Imagine a society going behind the backs of everyone and giving them pills to control them. At the same time, controlling who they love, when they die, and when they have kids. In the book Matched by Ally Condie we can see that the society the protagonist, Cassia, had to constantly be controlled by her society and she had no other choice but to accept it. In the book, the reader can see her grow to take risks for the truth and for freedom because she uncovers more and more about how the society is getting control and what they are controlling in their people. It’s scary to think about, but, the reader can easily see parallels between the current society today and the society Cassia is forced to live in. In Matched, Ally Condie demonstrates …show more content…

The current society might threaten us to gain control and order, Cassia’s society threatens people with their lives. There are tons of places where excessive rules are shown. Cassia gets scared “Watching Bram as he breaks another rule, the one about running in public” (Condie 25), showing a very strict and overly controlling society. The current society today has tons of rules and regulations, this is a warning to the people in the current society. may not notice how strict they truly are because they are so used to them. They might get stricter and stricter and the people will just have to follow them, just like the people in Cassia’s society had to do. Society and class is a big part of our society and a big part of Cassia’s society. There are people in Cassia’s society who control the government and therefore control the people, like the officials. There are people in the current society who control the government, and the people just have to listen to them and trust them. In Cassia’s society, they keep tons of secrets and they lie to tons of the citizens. As Cassia thinks she realizes: “I can

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