Essay On Accounting Equation

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The accounting equation is the foundation or basic of accounting systems. The equation maintain for all transactions and business activities. Every asset that the company hold is always equal to the liabilities and equity. Therefore, the accounting equation is : ASSETS = LIABILITIES + EQUITY. For example, when we start a company, we must take a loan from investors or any of the institutions. Now, we take a look at each accounting equation starting with the asset. Asset are the resources for running the business work. As a business, if get more assets it means that the business is powerful. Asset also be divided into two categories which is non-current assets and current assets. Non-current assets are long-term use for …show more content…

This shows the total balance of credits and debits are equality after the temporary accounts had being zero and didn’t list on the post-closing trial balance. This is the end of accounting cycle and it will start again with the first step in the next accounting …show more content…

These accounting information are so much important for the business owner or financial statements reader to analyze the company and make the economics decision.
Each type of financial statement has their own objectives and purposes. Below has shown the purposes of each financial statement:
a. Statement of the financial position.
The statement of the financial position is also known as balance sheet has shown the accounting equation, Assests = Liabilities + Equity. The statement of the financial position shows the current assets, liabilities and equity owned by a business during an accounting period.
( ABFA1013 IA (student) )

b. Statement of profit or loss.
The statement of profit or loss is also known as income statement and it’s equation is revenue minus expenses equals profit or loss. The statement of profit or loss summarize the revenues and expenses of a business and also shown the ability of a business to generated business. The total profit or loss that generated in an organization during an accounting period can be seen through the income statement. For example, if the expenses of the company are higher than revenues, the company will get a loss in the business. However, the company will generate a profit when the revenues are greater than the

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