Essay On A Serial Killer

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A serial killer has a very deranged way of thinking. They truly believe that “the power to cause pain is the only power that matters, the power to kill and destroy, because if you can’t kill you are always subject to those who can”. The only way they feel they can achieve this is by murdering the “innocent”, for in their eyes the victim is not always so innocent. The victim is usually picked at random or has no personal ties with the killer. But, in most cases, the victims have similar patterns. Some killers produce a hate for women throughout their years because of a past trauma they had with a woman (usually their mother), and so they target women. This can be seen with ________. (TRIGGER PARAGRAPH) (SERIAL KILLERS JOEL NORRIS) …show more content…

A psychopathic serial killer has such a distinct pattern when it comes to their background. How is it that a personality disorder that can grow into shaping a dangerous murderer, discriminate against certain classes, colors and ages? Only the surroundings could affect such issues. One may be born with genetic or chemical imbalances and have the antisocial disorder found in most serial killers, but can research ever prove that a child may be born a societal monster? A psychopath can be shaped into becoming a serial killer, but can a newborn actually be brought into this world with the initial diagnosis of it being an antisocial murderer? Events and disturbances occur in the childhood or later years of these victims of psychopathy. These are called

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