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How did ronald reagan impact the cold war
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Recommended: How did ronald reagan impact the cold war
Event Name Type of Event Causes Course Consequences
1980 Election This was a political event because it caused a change in the government. Americans wanted a leader who could fix the economic problems at the time. Americans were unhappy with Jimmy Carter who was running for reelection. Ronald Reagan was going against Carter and had a plan that Americans liked and wanted to hear. Ronald Reagan was elected because of his plan for fixing the U.S. economy.
Reagan Doctorine This was a political event because the doctrine was was made by the government. The Soviet Union lacked military strength but their bonds with other countries increased, causing them to have an advantage. The U.S. overwhelmed the global influence of the Soviet Union to try to end the Cold War. The U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts.
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O’Connor inspired women to pursue their careers in law school.
Reaganomics This event is economic because it tried to fix the economy. The cost of taxes were too high, and the controls over certain businesses were too harsh. Deregulation was used which helped people get more money so they could buy things and improve the economy. People started to invest in the stock market when the economy got better.
1980-1982 Recession This event is economic because the economy was suffering at this time. Inflation Reagan pushed the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 even though unemployment rate was only 10.8%. The recession got worse, causing people to go against Reagan and turn to Republicans.
Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion This was a social event because it effected American society. The O-ring failed and caused the burning gas to reach the external fuel tank. It then blew up, killing all 7 people that were aboard. The Space Shuttle was supposed to launch into space, but due to the weather, NASA was debating if they should launch or not. The space shuttle exploded and killed the 7 people on
Ronald Read ran a campaign based on lowering taxes, and strong national defense. In his first inaugural address, he emphasized the important to conserving the power of an us control our own destinies. He also says that government is not a solution to the problem that they are the problem. During his term, he decreases the size of federal government and supported policies and reforms that he believed empowered individuals. Reagan also worked to reduce federal spending on home programs, due to his concerns about the constitutionality of those programs. He called for finances cuts, mostly from great Society programs. while not touching Medicare and Social security, Reagan authorized cuts in federal schooling programs, food stamp programs, workplace programs, and other non-military domestic programs. Believing the U.S. had left out the military after the Vietnam war, and because the cold battle continued, Reagan asked for increased funds to reinforce the military. The decrease in taxes and growth in army spending ended in the biggest budget deficits in the united states’ records to that time. The deficits persisted each year, however Reagan vowed to veto any tax increases Congress
Even when President Reagan, didn’t make wise decisions, he took full blame for them, which made the American population trust him and gain more popularity. With his many major accomplishments in helping the American people, and putting them first, he really helped in his favor. Reagan has built up the US military to what it is now because he believed that we needed to “restore America's ability to defend itself and fulfill its responsibilities as a trustee of freedom and peace in the world” (Wild Thing, January 21, 2006). President Reagan is a man that has a heart and soul with America, and will fight for our freedoms and rights for as long as his life.
Johnson led America in a time of many social movements, and the power of the Civil Rights Movement only added to the importance of passing the Civil Rights Act as soon as possible. Now that the inequality and injustice of minorities was brought to attention, Johnson had the power and motivation to put the Great Society reforms into action, which Democrats had been working towards since President Roosevelt and his New Deal programs. Reagan, however, was president during a time of greed. Reagan came into office during a poor time for the economy, and the upper and middle class Americans were more upset about their taxes being spent on poor Americans through welfare programs. There was also concern for people taking advantage of these programs. Reagan reflected these views and used his views on deregulation of businesses and tax cuts to benefit his supporters in the wealthy portion of Americans. With the passing of several laws benefitting minorities in America, social movements had faded from public view while America’s unrest had subsided, and Reagan didn’t need to have a strong support of civil rights. When the economy eventually rebounded due to Reagan’s economic policies, the success of wealthy businessmen brought about even more greed as the small portion of upper class Americans showed enjoyed luxuries and reaped the benefits of less social
After the end of WW2, two major governmental institutions, the USA and the USSR, with conflicting political ideologies and agendas, set forth to dominate each other in international politics. This period of time, also known as the Cold War, initiated an era of crazed hysteria in the United States as these two governments frequently clashed and bitterly fought. As a result, the frightened public grew delirious as the world grew dangerously close to a calamitous nuclear war, which ultimately prompted the Eisenhower administration to hinder the spread of communism and encourage the U.S. population to rapidly pursue higher education for the future welfare of this nation.
During the Cold War, the United States engaged in many aggressive policies both at home and abroad, in which to fight communism and the spread of communist ideas. Faced with a new challenge and new global responsibilities, the U.S. needed to retain what it had fought so strongly for in World War II. It needed to contain the communist ideas pouring from the Soviet Union while preventing communist influence at home, without triggering World War III. With the policies of containment, McCarthyism, and brinkmanship, the United States hoped to effectively stop the spread of communism and their newest threat, the Soviet Union. After the war, the United States and the Soviet Union had very different ideas on how to rebuild.
From the Civil War to the end of the Great Depression the United States economy went through many levels of economic, political, and social success and failure. Without the government stepping in to make regulations the country would have never been able to climb out of the plague of the Depression under Individualist means.
The 1970's was a difficult time period in American history filled with chaos, domestic and international crises, and very poor presidential leadership. Richard Nixon was president during the early years of the seventies and he was far from popular in the eyes of the American people. With inflation rapidly rising, Nixon soon became unfavorable, and with the controversy surrounding his actions concerning the Watergate Crisis, he was impeached and forced to resign. His Vice President, Gerald R. Ford, soon took his place in the White House. However, Ford was unable to handle the crippling events taking place in the United States; his approval dropped drastically within months, and like Nixon he lost support of the American people. When the 1976 presidential election came around, the American people needed a new hero whom they could trust and who could pull the nation out of its current state of misery. To fill this position, American chose to elect James Earl Carter, Jr., Governor from Georgia. Jimmy Carter began his presidency in the bright glow of public support built on his promise of bringing honesty and morality back to politics; but unable to successfully deal with conflicts beyond his control concerning domestic and foreign affairs, his term as President ended behind a dark cloud of public disapproval.
Ronald Wilson Reagan served two terms as the 40th president of the United States of America. Reagan was known for having a strong faith in the goodness of people. In college he was known as, “the jack of all trades” for excelling in everything he did (“Life Before the Presidency”). President Reagan’s beliefs gave him lots of respect from citizens around the world. One of his main beliefs was that peace comes with strength. I believe that Ronald Reagan was a great president because of his leadership qualities, domestic policies, and foreign policies.
The Soviet Union and the United States, after World War II, began a military competition. The Soviet Union, after the end of World War II, wished to expand the buffer zone between itself and the Western world. In addition to the original Polish territory, the USSR established communism in Rumania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and East Germany.
Ronald Reagan was a very popular person before, during, and after his time of presidency. He went from a mere radio announcer, to the head of the United States of America. Ronald had defeated most of the world’s problems with Communism, improved the economy, and handled terrorist threats like a pro. Ronald quickly took America’s heart with his honorable deeds and doings. He was very famous by the time he became deceased. (Ronald Reagan Facts.)
There were many problems in which Carter had been blamed for, especially the Iran hostage crisis which proved to be very humiliating. He failed to deal with any of these situations. Either as hesitant or ineffective is how many Americans viewed Carter. He also had attacked Reagan as a dangerous radical after he defeated Tom Kennedy for the nomination. For his part Reagan, the charismatic ex-Governor of California, repeatedly made fun of Carter's powerlessness , and won a landside victory that carried the United States Senate for the first time in 28 years. Reagan's victory marked the beginning of the "Reagan Revolution."
The Stock Market was being abused for years. Long term wise, people who used the stock market began to use credit to buy their stocks, borrowing from banks, and were unable to pay back their loans. The Government during this time used a policy of Laissez Faire, the consolidation of corporation was not challenged, favoring the wealthy (FEARON, PETER).
In 1980 the American economy and government hit rock bottom. The Government is too big and needs to have less people and taxes need to be reduced because they are extremely high. There has been no Democrat or Republican to reduce the size of the Government besides Franklin D Roosevelt’s new deal. The 1980’s was the decade of scandals for example the Iran-Contra scandal which was made so that white house could carry out political their political agenda. Religious leaders Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggert who became part of the dirty sex scandal. A savings and loan scam fleeced Americans from billions and billions of bailout dollars.
At the same time, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were involved in the Cold War. They were competing against one another, constantly trying to show that their country (and therefore their form of government and ideals) was the better choice. They were competing for influence over the rest of the world. Eventually the USSR and Communism lost, but far more important results came out of this competition instead.
America became the sole superpower of the world. Communism is no more. Communism collapsed worldwide. The Cold War sketched the foreign policies for both the countries through the second half of the twentieth century as both countries fought for accomplices to uphold and widen their own realms of power around the world, but it did not escalate to an apocalyptic World War II. The decade- long standoff between American capitalists and Soviet communists ceased without causing any violence.