Essay How Does Music Affect The Brain

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How does music affect the brain? It has been said for years that listening to music can help the brain retain information, relax and cause a state of happiness. This is a widely accepted theory all around the world. Terms such as the Mozart effect suggest that classical music is the best for brain stimulation. Music is also processed differently in the brain than speech and other everyday noises. So is music is, in fact, good for the brain? The original study from which the theory emerged took place in 1994 by a man named Shaw Raucher. Using only 34 college students, Ruacher exposed the students to Mozart during a testing period. The results show that the music did have a positive effect, but only for 15 minutes at a time. This was enough …show more content…

Commoners taking it upon themselves to try new techniques. In 2013 it was reported that a man, even played Mozart for his livestock. He did this 3 times a day, every day. He believed in doing this he buffalos would produce better milk. According to multiple colleges and other organizational studies, including a test by Simmons-Stern et al. Have found that music can also make a major impact in the lives of those with Alzheimer’s disease. The studies show “...better verbal recall of children's songs when the lyrics were sung to the participants rather than simply read aloud…” (Is Music Really Good for the Brain? 3). If music helps those with Alzheimer’s disease, then who's to say that it can not help with other disease.
In the 2014 study conducted by Zuk, Benjamin and Kenyon, it shows that “children with musical training did exhibit cognitive advantages over their non-musically-trained counterparts” (Is Music Really Good for the Brain? 3). How ever, this is not limited to children. “Adults with prior musical training performed better on tests of cognitive flexibility, working memory, and verbal fluency…” (Is Music Really Good for the Brain? 3). This can be used to urge schools to offer more musical programs. Seeing as it affects both kids and adults, it could be said that a music program is needed in schools as much as math or

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