Essay About Fear In Lord Of The Flies

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Fear is being afraid of something or even someone. It can be scary, painful or threatening. It can be difficult to turn it off sometimes. Fear can make it difficult to know what is right or wrong. In the novel the, Lord of the Flies, William Golding shows how humans are made. He proves that fear is a destructive emotion.
One way fear is a destructive emotion is, when fear overtakes a person, it can make them do bad things. In the middle of the novel Piggy says to Ralph “Simon...that was Simon...that was murder” (Golding 155-156). This piece of evidence shows that Ralph and Piggy were full of guilt once they realized that that night at the feast when they were scared that the beast might kill them they ended murdering one of their own. Fear can be a destructive emotion because it was the fear of the beast that leads the children to accidentally kill Simon. As the end of the story neared Ralph's tribe decided to confront Jack's tribe. The author states “[T]he rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee…Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea” (Golding 181). This shows that when fear crosses over someone it can take over the …show more content…

It can even lead to a feud. In Lord of the Flies when Jack and Ralph's feud lead to the argument on page 150 Jack state's “[Who is gonna join my tribe” (Golding 150). This is a huge part of the argument between the two boys. Fear had caused Jack to try to split the boys and the island in half, turning against one another. This later on in the story proved to be dangerous for the boys. Another way that fear can create arguments, in the middle of chapter 11 Jack states “[you go Ralph. You keep to your end. This is my end and my tribe. You leave me alone” (Golding 176). Throughout the story Ralph and Jack had always had a rivalry. In this quote Ralph and his tribe had walked into Jacks territory. This act heightens the rivalry between them even

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