Essay About Cuban Vacation

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An Escape to Varadero Beach in Cuba No matter what destination I choose for my holidays in Cuba, I always travel to Havana and after a couple of days going around and meeting friends, I embark on an adventure vacation. Last summer, I went to Havana. It was the first time I travelled to Cuba in summer and it was quite hot and sticky, but it was really great. In my previous trips to Cuba, I had always had the feeling that I was swimming against the tide. Most people were working while I was on holidays. It was "cold" for Cuba standards, so no Cubans were at the beach when I wanted to go swimming and it was boring. This time, I decided to go along with the crowd and it was much better.

After a few days in Havana, I rented a car. I was not sure about driving in Cuba, so I asked George, a Cuban friend, to drive and early in the morning we headed to Varadero, one of top Cuba beach holiday destinations, with some other Cuban friends that this time were on holidays too. No need to say that the trip was great fun. Cubans are noisy, but they know how to cheer you up. We played some Cuban music in the car and sang catchy Cuban songs.

Part of the trip we followed a road along the coast. Except for East of Havana beaches, which can be seen from the distance, there were no sandy beaches on the way, but still, the endless blue felt kind of …show more content…

I had already been to Varadero before. We stopped near the Hotel Internacional de Varadero but what a surprise! It was the first time I saw so many Cubans in Varadero. The place seemed absolutely different. It was so lively! I could hardly believe it was the same place I had been to so many times before. We found some shade to relax. The day was calm and sunny. No waves and the slight breeze soothed the heat. It didn't feel like getting off the

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