Essay About Blizzards

721 Words2 Pages

The SEEALL Academy Zoe Chen
Class 601 May 30, 2014
One of the most dangerous, hazardous storms in the world is a blizzard. Blizzards usually occur during the winter and usually come during the cold days. Blizzards occur when the temperature is low and winds are above 50 miles per hour. They affect us by meaning humans and animals by decreasing its visibility, and dumping inches, maybe even a few feet of snow on us. During blizzards, it’s best to stay in shelter and not drive or walk on the streets because you may get frostbites. There are 2 types of blizzards; ground blizzard, and severe blizzard. A sever blizzard is when temperatures are lower than 10 degrees Fahrenheit, the visibility is low, and winds are high. During times when blizzards occur the United States have lost many lives. Blizzards
A blizzard is a dangerous winter storm that decreases visibility and temperatures. A blizzard is a severe snowstorm that affects us humans and animals. Blizzards are one of the most blizzard can cause snowdrifts which are huge mountains of snow, and a blizzards also causes whiteouts which are the snow that was here being blown around. Blizzards are very dangerous and about 400 people die each year. There are two types of blizzards and the ground blizzard is when the snow on the ground is being blown up in the air by severe winds. There are 3 types of ground blizzards; Horizontal Advection, Vertical Advection, and Thermal- Mechanical. Horizontal Advection is when the snow on the ground is being blown around horizontally in the air. Vertical advection is when the snow on the ground is being blown vertically in the air. The weight of the fallen snow can break roofs from ho...

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...cause they just happen without warnings and you can’t stop it so, all they can do is help.
In conclusion, blizzards are severe and dangerous winter storms and blizzards are one the most dangerous natural disasters. I learned that blizzards can cause zero visibility and temperatures below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. We can’t stop blizzards so the only thing the government can do is warn us and plow the streets.


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