Epigenetics Essay

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,Epigenetics is the study of variations occurring in cell’s function but these variations are not due to the changes in DNA sequence unlike genetics in which changes are associated with changes in DNA sequence changes these changes in gene expression and in cell’s phenotype of epigenetics have other reasons thus use of the term epi- (Greek: επί- over, outside of, around).
As epigenetics is do not concerned with changes in neucleotide sequence so the best possible reasons to cause such changes could be DNA methylation and Histone modification. Gene expression is primarily based upon the action of repressor proteins which became attached with the silencer parts of the DNA. These epigenetic changes may persisit throughout …show more content…

H. Waddington in 1942 as combination of two words firstone was “epigenesis” and second was “genetics”. Epigenesis is an old word which now a days is used to refer the term differentiation of cells from their initial totipotent state in embryonic development. When Waddington joined he was not well aware of physical nature of genes and their role in heredity he used it conceptually to determine that how genes interact with their surrounding environment to show particular type of phenotype.
“Erik Erikson” also used the term epigenetic principle in one of his publication in 1968 probably named as “Youth and Crisis” and used it to describe the notion comprehensively that our surrounding environment and culture influence us effectively This socio-cultural cycle is completed in different stages of development.Thus epigenetic is anything other than change in DNA sequence.
Molecular basis:
Epigenetic can effect activation of certain genes. Moreover chromatin proteins which are associated with DNA may also be activated or silenced. This is why multicellular organism express only the genes that are necessary for their own activity. Most of the epigenetic changes take place within one individual’s lifetime and are mostly not heritable but these changes could be heritable if genes inactivation happens in eggs or in sperms this type of epigenetic change could be the reason of its heritability and may pass to next

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