Environmental Impact On Manly Beach

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Geography assessment: How to save the coast

Manly Beach is one of Australia’s most iconic and popular beaches with it spaning 1.5km long, it is located 16km north east of the Sydney CBD. Like many other beautiful beaches along the Australian coast, Manly is threatened by climate changes that lead to sea level rises resulting in shoreline recession and coastal erosions. This report will discuss the physical, environmental, economic and social impact of these problems.

1.1 Direct and indirect climate change impacts on beaches:

As shown in Table 1, climate change has caused sea-level rise with has increased inundation of coastal zone, increased coastal erosion and increased the risk of flooding and storm damage.
Other negative …show more content…

This will destroy the ecosystem.

1.3 Environmental impacts on Manly Beach

There are many aquatic habitats in Manly, including inter-tidal rock platforms, rocky reefs and submerged soft sediments. The area includes Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve that provides protection for the seaweed sea dragon, black rock cod, blue groper and elegant wrasses. There are also a variety plants, ghost crabs, shore birds and assemblages living under the intertidal sand.

1.4 Social and economic impact on Manly Beach

Manly beach contains a range of indigenous and non-indigenous heritage and culture, the beach attracts tourists and local who contribute to the economy of the area. Therefore, the property value in this area has increased expediently
If nothing is done to preserve the beach and allow the continuation of beach recession, it will result in the loss of the beach culture and recreation, loss of revenue from tourism and local visitors and loss of property value for the residents.

2. Solutions to solve the problems that is occurring on

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