Entrapment In Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie

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The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams is through Tom’s recollection of memory. Tom recalls their conflicts, family dynamics, inner feelings, and struggles. Unwillingly able to accept life’s conflicts the Wingfield’s were forced to face different aspects of life causing them to enter into an unrealistic world of illusions that demonstrated a paranoid effect, an infatuation, or a feeling of entrapment. The plays setting is in the Wingfield’s apartment and “At the rise of the curtain the audience is faced with the dark grim rear wall of the Wingfield tenement.” The apartment faces a dark alley and it is entered by a fire escape. The dark alley is filled with garbage cans and tangled clotheslines. Tom relates the play and characters to light, …show more content…

She wears a dress of soft violet material for a kimono – her hair tied back from her forehead with ribbon. She is washing and polishing her glass collection.” Before Amanda enters the room Laura quickly put away her glass collection and sits quietly without movement in front of her type writer. Amanda notices a look of hopelessness and despair on Laura’s face. Amanda has never seen this look before.” The play continues and Amanda addresses Laura’s attendance at school. In scene two Amanda’s mother introduces herself to Laura’s instructor. “She didn’t know who you were. “Wingfield” she said, we don’t have such a student enrolled at the school” (Williams, 2013). Struggling with an unnoticeable childhood illness, one leg slightly shorter than the other and in a brace Laura was shy and embarrassed. And instead of attending business school Laura would go to the movies, go on walks, she would visit the museum, visit the bird houses at the zoo, visit the penguins daily, but most of her time was spent visiting the Jewel box. It was a glass house where they raised the tropical flowers. This small defect caused Laura to become fragile, she drops out of business school, and grows overly possessive with her glass menageries as she departs from reality. This line illustrates Laura separation. “Laura’s separation increases till she is like a piece of her glass collection, to exquisitely fragile to move

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