Empire to Umpire by Normal Hillmer

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In regards to chapter twelve of Empire to Umpire, I found it to have a pro-Liberal viewpoint. In particularly, regards to the stance on multiculturalism, humanitarian aid, and the projection of Canadian values aboard, I found it framed in the context that put Canadian foreign policy in the best possible light. A possible reason for this could be due to the historical context in which it was written, 1994. This was shortly thereafter the end of the Cold War, and after the recent Liberal win in the 1993 election. At this period works were being published, such as Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man, prophesising a new era of peace, prosperity and the exportation of democratic values in much the same manner that the Liberals adapted to their own foreign policy. Turning now to Will Kymlicka’s article, I agreed with much of what Kymlicka says, however I find his ideas of multiculturalism over glorifying the Liberal accomplishments and success, as attributed to only Liberal success in making multiculturalism more popular. However, I find that the issue of multicultural...

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