How curious is it that most, if not all, fairytales portray something that is common in society? Bruno Bettelheim explains how “nothing can be as enriching and satisfying to children and adults alike as the folk fairy tale” (5), giving readers the implication that fairytales have the possibility of opening so many doors. However, the lessons and commonalities that stories have compared to real life are something that all of the human race should notice, like in The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen. Where the entire village would rather see their beloved leader face embarrassment over showing their neighbor how ‘stupid’ they were. The Emperor's New Clothes divulges into the battle of honesty versus intelligence by using Vladimir Propps character types of false hero, princess, and real hero. Vladmir Propp has a total of seven character types, and they are as follows: the helper, the villain, the dispatcher, the donor, the princess, the false …show more content…
These archetypes can be found in most stories, even if it is just one or two of them. In Hans Christian Andersen’ rendition of The Emperor's New Clothes, there are three notable archetypes that can easily be picked out. The first people that seem to fall under an archetype are the emperor and the two people he sent to check on the clothes being made. When first reading, the mistake could easily be made that the emperor is the real hero since he is the main character of the story, however he never follows the story line of what a hero accomplishes. Vladmir Propp describes a hero either as someone “who agrees to liquidate misfortune” (Media Studies) or a heroized victim who “directly suffers from the action of the villain” who needs to “find a magical
hindrance to community goals in meeting production quotas and was crushed by such policies as collectivization, land reformation, and movements such as The Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. Under his rule, modeled under the Stalinist USSR archetype, China raised its masses from poverty and starvation to a standard of living that was considered a substantial upgrade. Programs such as collectivization and land reformation were essentially a microcosm of Mao's impact on China. Under the policy
12th, French forces were defeated by the English at the Battle of Herrings in a failed attempt to retrieve Or... ... middle of paper ... .... Henry also successfully encouraged and executed the trade of alum, a chemical compound used in wool and clothes for dyes; due to its scarcity, it was valuable (Henry VI). As a result, Henry VII achieved numerous advances in the diplomacy through his accomplishments in the economy, foreign policies, and trade agreements. Through the transition from the Middle
SUMMER PROJECT ON Medievalism, Fantasy and Modernity in J.R.R Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in English Submitted by: Submitted to: Shalini Panchal