Emmett Till

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Emmett Till
“Standing as one of the most-heinous, race-motivated crimes in America’s history” (News One). This murder sparked a nation in a large way. One racist move and a movement was created.
The open casket funeral ignited a civil rights movement. Many people considered this racist, because Emmett was just talking to a white women but she told her husband that he was flirting. Then the two white men kidnapped and beat Emmett Till harder than they would any white men. People were very motivated by this case.
African Americans were treated poorly in the time of Emmett tills murder. Slavery was abolished at the time but the south was still mostly segregated. This was in the time of the civil rights movement.
In 1955 Emmett Tills murder ignited a civil rights movement that would change segregation as we know.” Tills abduction and slaying had already made international headlines, and they continued throughout the week in September” (EmmettTillMurder). This quote shows how big of a dispute this became to African Americans because it showed signs that there was still segregation. “Stan...

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