Emily Dickinson's If You Were Coming In The Fall

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English project 3 "If you were coming in the fall," by Emily Dickinson is a very strong piece of poetry. The title itself leaves a mysterious vibe, wanting you to know more. Emily Dickinson loved writing, it was her favorite subject in school. Not only did she have a talent in poetry, but she wrote in various genres and subjects. Some in which, include love, life, nature, death, and etc. Waiting for someone or something that has uncertainly is very difficult, as time progresses the more painful it can be, "If you were coming in the fall," by Emily Dickinson demonstrates that. In the first stanza, Dickinson talks about getting the house ready, waiting for their arrival. She would try and do it with a smile, happy that they'll come around, back to her. However she uses the word "spurn", rejection. She has a feeling it won't go as …show more content…

She is stating that she would willingly die if it means her to be able to be reunited with her lover in "Eternity". The entire poem doesn't have a specific rhyme scheme, however, lines 14 and 16 are following the pattern of slant rhymes. The time length has also increased in this stanza, from a season, year, century, and now to eternity. Majority of this poem is a hyperbole, exaggerating the amount of time and using similes or metaphors to demonstrate her feelings. Dickinson went through heartbreak. She was in love with someone her father didn't think deserved her. Some think that her lover could have been a female. Emily listened to her father, however she never stopped loving, and was in eternity heartbreak. "If you were coming in the fall" seems to be about Emily waiting for her father's approval. In the poem it seems as if she's married but the person she is with is uncertain. Personally, I think the message behind this poem is demonstrating the pain in waiting for something that feels like it'll never happen, and how it "stings", stated in the last

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