Emancipation Proclamation Essay

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The signing of the Emancipation Proclamation marked one of many historic days in US history. The document was signed by President Abraham Lincoln, on September 22, 1862. It was a push to end slavery in the south. The Emancipation Proclamation changed society for the better, by giving blacks hope for a brighter future. The process was long, but slavery would be no more. It affected African-Americans, because they were going to finally have their freedom. It also affected the president because he, metaphorically speaking, signed his own death bill.
The signing of the Emancipation Proclamation upset most of southern whites, who were pro-slavery. Soon after the bill was signed, a war broke out between the north and the south. The south didn’t want slavery to cease and they fought the north in a blood shed battle to keep slavery in the south. The war lasted an extended period of time, but the north eventually prevailed.
After the war, slavery had slowly but surely started to come to a stop. The enforcement of the bill hadn’t very successful. Private auctions were being held and human trafficking was still legal during this time period. The final copy of the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln. The proclamation authorized, along with the end of slavery, the recruitment of African-American Union soldiers.
The speech President Lincoln gave to congress on June 16, 1964, was marked as one of the greatest speeches of all time. The famous quote by President Lincoln, “A house divided against itself, will not stand” was the motto for the civil war. What he meant by that was the United States was no longer united. That if we continue to fight amongst ourselves that we would not, as a single united...

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The speech President Lincoln gave to congress on June 16, 1964, was marked as one of the greatest speeches of all time. The famous quote by President Lincoln, “A house divided against itself, will not stand” was the motto for the civil war. What he meant by that was the United States was no longer united. That if we continue to fight amongst ourselves that we would not, as a single united country, prosper. The speech took a great toll on the congress and it was decided that it would be in the country’s best interest if slavery would be illegalized in the United States of America.
Soon after the Emancipation Proclamation was passed, the thirteenth amendment was presented to congress to stop all slavery. The amendment abolished all forms of slavery in the United States. The law was that if a human is working for you. You are obligated by law to pay them.

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