Elizabethan Women In The 1600s

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Elizabethan society was patriarchal, which means it was controlled by men, and women their inferior(Thomas). The 1600's to 1700's was a time where women had very limited say in the society, everything was done by men. Women had no vote, few legal rights, and an extremely limited chance of ever getting an education or a job(Papp). Most women were denied the chance of school and get an education. Marriage for women in this time was very important but also very strict compared to how it is now(Alchin). Elizabethan women were not open to many job opportunities, just household work(Papp). Compared to this century, women were treated very poorly and had little rights in Elizabethan Era. Education All women faced problems when …show more content…

Firstly, women only benefit to forge alliances with other powerful and rich families through arranged marriages(Alchin). Weddings back then were not for love but for business(Mcgowan). Women had absolutely no say in their future husband and became a housewife. They were arranged so both families involved would benefit in wealth and social rankings(Alchin). The legal age for Elizabethan marriage was 14 for boys and 12 for girls(Mcgowan). This shown in the play Romeo and Juliet when Juliets mother and nurse talk to her about marriage(Act1, Scene 3, Lines 63-67). One marriage custom was that the bride would have to offer money, goods, riches and prosperities called a Dowry(Alchin). Also, it required a Marriage Bond which was a contract of a sworn statement that there is no pre-contract. After the wedding women were expected to run the households and provide children. Her husband became her authority figure. Everyone was expected to marry in Elizabethan England. In fact, women who did not marry were regarded with suspicion, some were even called witches(Benson). The main reason for all of this was because it was believed that women were lesser than men and their rights did not matter as

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