Elizabeth Blackwell Quotes

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“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself” (Harvey Fierstein). This quote has various different meanings and ways to perceive it. But, the most important meaning of this quote is to live your life in only the way that will make you happiest, and don’t ever let anyone stop you. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, Amelia Earhart and Dr. Jennifer Welter never let anyone stand in the way and followed their dreams, becoming some very influential females in society. One person who achieved success living her life by this quote is Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell. Before Elizabeth Blackwell, all doctors were men. But who says women can’t be doctors? Almost everyone in Elizabeth Blackwell’s life. Imagine going against the views of society and doing the unthinkable. Elizabeth Blackwell did exactly that. She was the first woman in the United State to receive a medical degree. In her time, nobody believed that a female could do anything like that. Blackwell didn’t have an easy journey to her goal, though. She endured ridicule and scorn from classmates and townspeople and ultimately …show more content…

Jen Welter is one other lady who made it a goal to live her life by this quote. Welter is the first female coach of the NFL, coaching for the Arizona Cardinals. When asked what this quote meant to her, Jen said, “Follow your heart and create your own path in life. Your life is your own, so live it.” Jen Welter is an advocate for chasing your dreams. Achieving success didn’t come easily, though. When asked what were some of the things she struggled with most when getting to where she is now, Welter said, “It is always challenging when you are choosing your own path and it’s a non-traditional one. I was often told what I couldn’t do in life, so I just had to persevere and have faith.” The one thing she always did was believe in herself and her own talents. Jennifer Welter is a very good example for a

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