Electronic Record Management System for Central Bank

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European Central Bank (ECB) was established in June 1998 and, together with the central banks of countries whose currency is the euro, is the financial power of the euro area. For the main objective is for maintain price stability which is to protect the euro.ECB has around 1,340 employees and is divided into 17 areas of business but Only five years after its inception, the ECB faced the reality that the management of records and information was straining under the weight of outdated methods of filing in the different business areas and finally it runs the risk of losing control over institutional memory. Also focus archive existing ECB is on the heritage of the pioneers of the documents of the ECB, the Organising Committee and the European Monetary Institute, and efforts to ensure that the resulting records are as complete and accurate as possible. In year 2003 the ECB Executive Board approved an information management policy with the intention of introducing the electronic document and records management age to the ECB and creating the role of the records manager. Faced with the headcount cap, but employee with enough convincing arguments to justify a suitable budget, the key people involved in the early design stages of the ECB’S initial records policy had the idea of resorting to internal recruitment to create a human framework that would make use of a state-of-the-art electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) and at the same time of raising awareness within the ECB of the importance of records management/archiving in order for the ECB to be in a position to manage its information and compile a documented history for European citizens and generations to come.

I. The Pilo...

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...ive which was fully met. With three business analysts on board as of April 2007, a new methodology for the roll-out was designed by taking the lessons learnt from the pilot into account. It was A balancing act 171 clear that the lengthy pilot process could not be replicated and the roll-out methodology had to be rapid, albeit with limited human resources, and without undermining the quality delivered. For example groups of two or three business areas, depending on their size and level of complexity are being rolled-out to in parallel.
Secondly, Change Management has provided valuable experience and taught us many lessons though, given the nature of the pilot and the relatively simple requirements of the two-part pilot, it mainly focuses on the technical performance of the system, without regard to the possibility of the advanced functionality provided by the EDRMS.

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