Electronic Health Record Analysis

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An Introduction in to the World of Electronic Health Records
It is astonishing to see how technology has grown over the years. From computers to cell phones and from film cameras to digital, the world of technology is improving every day. After many decades of growing, there is now a digital system where patients can keep track of their health records and hospitals can view them within minutes. Electronic Health Records (EHR) are digital patient records that keep any provider up-to-date on patient whereabouts to improve quality, prevent medical errors and more (Staff of Medicare.gov, 2017). Before there were Electronic Health Records, patient records were in paper format. Paper records were not as beneficial which is why majority of hospitals …show more content…

Information is now managed electronically and another advantage is that medical records are now easily legible. While doctors have been known to have illegible handwriting, computers have proven to be the best way to visibly get a message across and can be efficient when in a time crunch.
Data Specifications
Electronic Health Records are composed of patient information. The authors of Benefits of EHRs explains that Electronic Health Records compute their information rather than just obtaining it (Staff at HealthIT, 2014). This means the records take the data and make it beneficial to the physician by calculating specific details to hopefully prevent error. For example, patients with life-threatening allergies don’t have to stress about telling their health care provider their issues because once the provider accesses the EHR, the records will make it known to the provider immediately about the allergies the patient may have. This is very helpful if the patient is unable to tell the doctor due to unconsciousness or any other ailment. As a personal example, I took a family member …show more content…

Physicians use EHR to retrieve patient information and patients use the system simply by requesting and holding the information. In an article entitled, HIMSS: Training Key EHR Implementation Concerns, the authors explain an important piece of information regarding training their workers to implement Electronic Health Records. They state, “One method for ensuring a training program is effective and builds confidence within an organization is to engage end users, those using the system on a day-to-day basis, in the development of the curriculum.” (Staff at Medical Economics, 2013). When people implement this Health Information Technology system, it is important that they are engaged and made aware of everyone that may be affected. There are many ways EHR will benefit the end user. One of the reasons is it provides information efficiently and effectively. It also produces accurate information to benefit both the patients and physicians. Lastly, it makes information more accessible and easily

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