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El nino and la nina introduction
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El Niño Questions
1. Who is the author of the article?
Debra Black is the author of the article regarding El Niño.
2. What is El Niño?
El Niño is a weak and warm current off the Western Coast of South America (Ecuador and Peru).
3. Where is El Niño currently located?
As El Niño occurs every two to seven years, it is therefore difficult to determine its current location without the use of satellites. However, El Niño forms in the Pacific Ocean.
4. When is El Niño expected to occur in Toronto?
The effects of El Niño will especially be notable in Toronto during the month of July.
5. How is El Niño detected?
El Niño is detected using satellites, moored and drifted buoys, and a sea level analysis.
6. Why is El Niño dangerous?
El Niño acts as a vital cause of major storms in many places. Its occurrence can result to severe flooding and powerful winds, capable of destroying several homes.
7. Where did the name El Niño come from?
The name El Niño was given by Spanish- speaking fishermen working near the Pacific Ocean. El Niño is the Spanish word for little boy.
8. How did El Niño affect North America?
El Niño resulted in cooler and wetter weather in the Southern portion of the United States, warmer weather in Western Canada and Southern Alaska, drier weather in the Pacific Northwest, cooler weather in Northern Canada, and wetter weather in Southern California.
9. When can El Niño occur?
El Niño can occur every two to seven years.
10. Who can help reduce the effects of El Niño?
Globally, countries can work together by sharing data and information regarding the recurrence of El Niño, so that they can prepare for what is expected, and ultimately reduce the effects of this powerful current.
11. What can we do to stop it?
Unfortunately, E...
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...An analysis from 1998 states that higher global temperatures may increase the rate of evaporation from the land, which adds moisture to the air, and results in much more severe storms and flooding. In other words, global warming is a potential factor in how severe and long El Niño will be.
34. When would El Niño start to develop?
Several statistical climate models are suggesting that El Niño will begin its development towards the month of July.
35. When might La Niña occur?
La Niña may, but doesn’t always do so, occur after El Niño.
36. Why might El Niño be hazardous to marine life in the Pacific Ocean?
El Niño can be an issue for marine life in the Pacific Oceans as it disrupts and affects fish distributions. Furthermore, El Niño results in fishes such as the mahi mahi, swordfish, striped marlin, and blue marlin to occur in areas where they are not normally found.
Mark Cane, scientist at Columbia University, discusses numerous places around the world that suffer famine and fires due to the effects of El Nino, even mentioning an occurrence here in the United States of an extreme snow storm caused by this event1. According to NOAA, El Nino occurs every 2-7 years and is detected by satellites, buoys, and sea level analysis . If scientists are aware of when El Nino is occurring then they are also aware of what changes in weather it is causing and can therefore connect these disasters to the event. It is
1. Life is more abundant in the North Atlantic than in the Pacific because the ocean area of the North Atlantic is directly in the path of iron-rich dust from the Sahara Desert, which leads to the development of bigger communities of phytoplankton, and in turn plankton, and so on. This fact is related to global warming because someone thought of an idea to fight global warming by putting huge amounts of iron solution into the ocean so that extreme plant growth would occur and these plants would remove enough carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere to counter the negative effects of humans.
National Weather Service. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, 5 Jan. 2010. Web. 2 Feb. 2010. .
Global warming was the main reason for the occurrence. The water of the Gulf and Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean were h...
Furthermore, weather is conditions that occurred very recently or are currently happening at a particular location. For example, people might say, “The sky is really clearing up!” or maybe, “It snowed 6 inches last night.” The current temperature, dew-point, relative humidity, cloud cover, and precipitation all have to do with the weather. The fundamental cause of weather is the effect of the Sun and the Earth due to the fact that
Climate change occurs when there is a significant variance in the climate which last for several decades or longer and not for a short period of time. Climate change includes changes in elements such as temperature, precipitation and wind patterns.
Ocean currents are horizontal or vertical movement of both surface and deep water throughout the world’s oceans (Briney, n.d.). The primary generating forces are wind and differences in water density caused by variations in temperature and salinity. Currents generated by these forces are modified by factors such as the depth of the water, ocean floor topography and deflection by the rotation of the Earth. Horizontal currents are wind driven, fast moving and carries small amount of water; while, vertical currents are slow moving, density driven and carries large bodies of water. In this paper I will describe horizontal and vertical currents, their importance and some of the tools used to measure ocean currents.
The early roots of Mitch started around the 8th of October, on the southern side of West Africa, data shows that the tropical wave did pass from there. Later on, on 22 October 1998, around nine days, Mitch started to progress through the Atlantic Ocean with an upper-level wind and begin developing and forming in the southwestern Caribbean Sea. The hurricane
"Ocean Events." GRACE â Uncovering the 2010-11 Decline in Global Mean Sea Level and Its Relation to ENSO (October, 2012). N.p., 8 Oct. 2012. Web. 2 Mar. 2014.
There are many causes and consequences of climate change discussed throughout this Encyclical. One of the most important would be the extreme weather. “In recent decades this warming has been accompanied by a constant rise in the sea level and, it would appear, by an increase of extreme weather events, even if a scientifically determined cause
Extratropical means, situated, existing, or occurring outside the tropics. “Hurricanes do an important job for the Earth.” “They help move heat from warm tropical places to the cooler temperature zone.” Hurricanes begin to happen when the oceans have been heated or warmed during the summer months. “Atlantic, hurricane season is from June 1st to November 30th, but most hurricanes happen during the fall.” This made me make a connection to how the United States has been hit my multiple hurricanes, and how that’s convenient because this article or passage saying that hurricane season is in Fall, and that is the season we are currently in. “As a hurricanes winds spiral around and around the storm , they push water into a mound at the storm’s center.” If the mass of the air gets hotter or warmer and starts to pick up a lot of moisture which can then make it start swirling, this creates a hurricane. This is a fun fact that you may not know, is that hurricanes have different names according to to the different regions. The warm water and wind are the main ingredients you need, but you also will need to include air and the spin of the
It can cause extensive damage to coastlines and several hundred miles inland due to heavy rainfall. Floods and flying debris often play havoc in the lives of people living along coastal areas. Slow moving hurricanes produce heavy rains in mountainous regions. Landfall and mud slides can occur due to excessive rain. Chances of flash floods also brighten due to heavy rainfall.
An El Nino happens in intervals of 3-7 years. The formation of this is related to the Pacific Southern Oscillation which is also the cycling of the Pacific Ocean circulation. The Pacific Southern Oscillation (the change of atmospheric pressures) happens when the easterly trade winds collapse, weaken, or even reverse. As this happens, the upwelling stops. The slight weakening of the winds cause a small change in sea surface temperatures, and the wind and pressure changes increase. The warm water of the western Pacific Ocean flow eastward and sea surface temperatures increase on the western coast of South America. When this occurs, the wet weather conditions (originally in the western Pacific) move east, and dry conditions (normally in the east) appear in the west.
a change in the water cycle. Some places may experience more rain. Warmer temperatures will