Effects Of Moving Place

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Changing places can be difficult. It can make you feel disturbed. At the same time, you learn lessons that you can gaze back at. Personally, many of these instances have occurred to me and affected me in becoming more accepting to live in new places. Although shifting places have had a negative impact on me, it has also given me new experiences. It has allowed me to express my emotions better, as well as encouraged me to make new friends and learn more about the societies of North America. The first time I moved was from Punjab, India, to Saskatchewan, Canada. This event was the first time I became aware of other societies. This event is the first time I revealed my emotions to my parents and to my teachers. They often consisted of sadness and crying, which made me become very unsocial. In addition, moving from a different country allowed me to learn many new things about the world. At the start, when I was moving from India, I was upset because I was leaving my family and friends who I had known since I was born. I moved when I was seven years old. At first, I was excited to be in a new country and to meet new people, but when I arrived, I realized how much I missed India. This was a difficult time for me. My parents, my elder …show more content…

These memories usually frighten me, however, after I habituate into that place I start to become social. Also, when I moved from India to Canada I had not felt many hardships because I was in second grade so I could catch up with the others. However, I did lose all my confidence because I didn’t know how to communicate with anyone in my class in the first 2 weeks of school. Equally, whenever a student or a small child changes places they usually feel these problems because they leave their friends behind and are suddenly alone. They blame their parents for everything and later, thank them when they make new friends or when they are happy with

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