Effects Of Information Technology On Social Justice

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This paper applies the effects of Information Technology on the framework of social justice. The research will illustrate if technology has contributed and/or will continue to contribute to social justice. Social media is only one area of information technology in higher education. There are also systems in which departments like Enrollment Management use to engage in creating an efficient platform to serve students. This permits access to higher education possible in larger numbers. As technology advances, so does the abilities of Student Services to provide a higher level of customer service through technological means. These systems can be used to accomplish more with less, in turn, provide great educational resources for students. …show more content…

It will address Enrollment Management and areas under this umbrella such as Academic Advisement, Enrollment Services, and Financial Aid at a two-year institution. It will identify if higher education becomes more or less attainable as newer and additional technology is introduced in colleges and universities. Social justice occurs when a majority of the minority population is able to obtain a higher education regardless of the boundaries and barriers. Social justice will also occur when student affairs professionals become aware injustices and what sources/tools they can use to help overcome a larger gap between who attends their college and who does not have access to it because of social injustices. We often associate social injustices as behavior in how we treat one another. However, student affairs professionals can use technologies as a way to “influence the relationships between students…that as a consequence have a bearing on student affair practices” (Schuh, Jones, & Harper, 2011, p. 515). This paper will focus on three particular areas of information technology; social media, operating systems used, and distance learning platforms. Social media is a tool used to communicate with students. The operating systems are used for admissions, financial aid, academic guidance, and degree obtainment, just to name a few. Distance learning platforms are the tool in which the …show more content…

The students who have the talent and desire to attend college but find themselves working full-time to provide for their families are the individuals whom may benefit the utmost from distance learning. This piece of technology gives them the ability to attend classes from the comfort of their homes. It may be that one income family where the mother or the father stays home to care for young children. The individual who does not have the ability to attend the traditional brick and mortar campus. Finally, that individual who is looking for a program that is not available in the town or city in which they

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