Effects Of Imperialism In Africa

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British vs. African Perspective on imperialism

Imperialism is when a government expands their land by force or influence. The British are a very good example of a country using imperialism. The British and the Africans had very different perspectives on how the imperialism affected them and their way of life. British were more on the positive side and the Natives were on the negative side.They first wanted to expand because new lands having lots of natural resources. South Africa had many wanted items like gold, tin, diamonds, and copper. The British want this land because it would bring more money to the British economy. Another very important reason for imperialism is that new land would open up a new market of people to sell to. The …show more content…

If this did not happen Africa Would still be behind in the society. The next positive is that they reduced the local warfare. They think that they solved all of the Africa's war problems but they are just acting as bait keeping the Africans busy. The Africans were to busy fighting the British that they could not fight each other. One last positive outcome the British brought to Africa was the new sanity, hospitals, and public schools. This is good because they educated the Africans but it caused them to lose their traditions and cultures. The better sanity lead to surviving Africans having a longer life span. With the hospitals they could better treat disease and other sicknesses. The British thought their coming was good but the Africans thought …show more content…

The British chose force. The positives were that the British stopped local warfare, brought in new technology, and new sanity/hospitals and schools. The New sanity made people that survived live way longer because they could kill disease before it can kill. New technology brought the country up to speed in the world. Although there was good things there was also bad things that the Africans believed. The British pushing battles on Africa killed thousands of native people, they also lost control of their land, and also lost their cultures to the British ways. The British nearly wiped out the African population, took their land with no negotiating, and made them learn new languages and ways to dress and their religion. The British and Africans have different perspectives on weather that the imperialism was good or bad, I think it had a mainly bad

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