Effect of Video Games on Heartbeat of Player

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Intro The heart beats up to 200 times ever minute (American Heart Association, 3/22/13). On every beat the heart pumps blood, which carries oxygen, around the body to keep it alive. There about 5.6 liters of blood in a human body (Nova, 1997). A heart must keep all of this liquid in motion so the blood can supply oxygen to all the cells in the body. Death ultimately comes from the brain not betting enough oxygen and shutting down, which is caused by the heart being to weak (Wise geek, 2013). Normally the heart beats at a steady rate to move necessary oxygen around the body. There are many reasons a heartbeat will quicken; some can overload a body and cause injury. Two of the main reasons are surprises and intense, or dangerous situations. When surprised or shock, nerves instantly start to send messages to the brain on what. The body first releases adrenalin to give extra energy if needed. Once released the heart pumps rapidly to spread it throughout the body to prepare for fight-or-flight. Fight-or-flight is when the body decides to run or stay after, or during, an intense event. In a fight-or-flight situation the body gets tense, pupils dilate, blood pressure increases, and the body becomes alert (Science Group, 2011). In an intense situation, such as a battle, the body uses much of its energy to keep alert and focused. These things can often keep a person alive when in a tough place. When in a stressful or dangerous event the Hypothalamus, section of the brain, takes control and tells the nervous system what to do (Harvard Health Publications, March 2011). To keep focused and alert the heart must beat faster and make body stay active and ready. This rapid pumping of the heart usually causes people to sweat and tire d... ... middle of paper ... ...situations and made test subjects react to whatever happened in the games. Thanks Thanks to all the participants of the test and the time they gave to play video games. Thanks to Ben Lockwood’s parents and Giles Corzine’s parents for buying equipment, driving to participant’s house, and taking part in the study. Thanks to Mrs. Robertson for her advice and ideas in the project. Bibliography http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/what-happens-when-scared http://www.wisegeek.com/what-has-caused-every-human-death.htm http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_Mental_Health_Letter/2011/March/understanding-the-stress-response http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/PhysicalActivity/Target-Heart-Rates_UCM_434341_Article.jsp http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/heart/heartfacts.html http://listdose.com/8-top-10-most-important-body-organs/

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