Ee Cummings Poetry Essay

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E.E. Cummings Poetry E.E. Cummings was and is a very important poet. He was also a painter, he appreciated two schools of art, and they were impressionism and cubism. Cummings liked that with both types of art you were to express “feelings about that subject,” or to disassemble pieces of a subject and rearrange them in a way that makes you visualize it differently. Picasso’s artwork certainly made Cummings think about what he was looking at because of that he decided to write a poem about Picasso’s artwork. Not only interested in the illustration aspect of things Cummings was also intrigued by the “auditory nature of words too.” E.E. Cummings specialized in a form of poetry that later on became a very artistic and important way of writing. Cummings focused on sight and sound in his poems, to actually make the text come alive. His purpose was to make you visualize or hear what the poem was saying. …show more content…

He uses words and punctuation to make patterns. In Document A, we see that the lettering is made to go up and down and the word loneliness is separated by “a leaf falls,” “l” is left at the top of the poem while the rest of the word “oneliness” falls down to the bottom of the poem, as if a leaf was in reality falling from a tree. Lettering and punctuation are also used in Document B in the poem "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r". Cummings makes steps with his words to portray the stages of a man adapting to his new life. The steps remind you of the ups and downs of life with the occasional bumps in the road that lead us off track once in a while. In Document C, the poem “In Just,” is a depiction of childhood slipping away from us. “The balloonman whistles far and wee” means that childhood is leaving and getting further and further away from sight. As the structure of “the balloonman whistles far and wee” changes it’s presenting us an illustration of the man

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