Edwards/Henry: Compare/Contrast

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In the early days of America two brilliant speeches were made. One, by Jonathan Edwards, a Zealous preacher during The Great awakening when American began to take interest in religion. Edwards gave his sermon at Enfield, Connecticut in 1741 to a group of "natural men" who had not accepted Jesus at there savor. The next Speaker Patrick Henry, A young Representative in Virginia house of Burgesses in 1775, who gave his fierce speech on the impending crises facing America of a British invasion, hoping to get his armed. Both speakers use metaphors and repetition to persuade there audience to the cause. Both Edward and Henry use metaphors to help develop there arguments. Both speakers uses a stronger force than they are in each speech to emphasize how if the listeners act now they could possible avoid the fate that would await them if they continue to act as they have. Edward uses metaphors to show the natural men how they seem to God. When Edward talks about the stream of water being held back only to grow over time and when eventually let loose would engulf a person in a torrent of wat...

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