Educational Textbook Analysis

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The first perspective focuses on the education of teachers and how it has influenced their behavior. One shortcoming of the textbooks used to educate teachers is that there is little information shared on gender equity and issues, which leads to further gender inequity (K. Zittleman & Sadker, 2002). In fact, many textbooks look at the gender roles and the typical behaviors expected to be seen by the genders in the classroom (Titus, 1993; K. Zittleman & Sadker, 2002). Even when the textbooks list stereotypes to refute them, they are still placing the ideas in the heads of future teachers of what to expect from students. Consequently, the way many educational textbook authors talk about gender make it seem like a different but equal phenomenon. …show more content…

Smith, about what I was learning in class I told her about how I just learned that teachers tend to pay more attention to their male students then their female students and tend to discipline them more. Ms. Smith seemed to have an epiphany that she had been unknowingly been doing this for her twenty-eight years of teaching without even knowing. By unknowingly do this, certified teachers create a cycle by then teaching that gender bias interactions are the norm to student-teachers that they may mentor (Michael Younger, Molly Warrington, & Jacquetta Williams, 1999). Although there has been some improvements in the incorporation of gender and historical contributions made by women, there is still many textbooks that say very little or nothing on the matter (McCune & Matthews, 1975). This alone shows that women are less important than men, and that men should get more attention (Sadlker & Zittleman, 2016; Titus, 1993). Additionally, the classroom management styles and techniques taught to education students help to add to the gender bias interaction issue (McCune & Matthews, 1975; Sadlker & Zittleman, 2016). The teacher education perspective is just one of many perspectives that try to explain the gender bias interaction social

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