Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Premature Burial'

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3.05 Part A: The theme of Poe’s “The Premature Burial” is to worry excessively about death, is a sort of a premature burial. Poe delivers the story in first-person allowing the reader to have a better understanding of the horror the reader the narrator underwent. The fear of the narrator becomes that of the reader’s when the possibility of a premature burial becomes all-to-real. The author foreshadows the narrator’s worst fear by making it known he has catalepsy here: “For several years I had been subject to attacks of the disorder which physicians have agreed to term catalepsy. This condition, which mimics death, certainly made someone a likely candidate for premature burial. Poe masterfully uses situational irony to trick the reader into …show more content…

10) The use of short and choppy sentences build suspense, fear and anxiety. As a reader, I too feel the fear and anxiousness of the narrator as his worst fear is met. 11) The narrator’s screams have been heard by a group of individual who ask him why he is making such a disturbance. If I were the narrator, I would feel a brief moment of relief to hear voices because that could mean I was not in a coffin at all and someone(s) would know of my confinement. However, I would then feel fearful because I wouldn’t know who those voices belonged to or what actually led to my confinement 12) The similarities in that he experiences are that his temporary sleeping space in the berth of the ship resembled that of sleeping in coffin. The sleeping shelf had small, confined dimensions like that of the coffin and an earthen smell came from the load the ship was carrying. 13) In light of his experience on the sailboat, the narrator has turned life around from how he once lived it. He now goes outside of his home, ventures around, experiences life, and threw away his old fears of live burial. I don’t think it is typical of someone facing their fears because I think there would still be a lingering fear unlike the narrator who doesn’t not think of it

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