Economic Structuralism Essay

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Analytic approaches to Economic Structuralism tend to vary with the problem being examined. Issues can be viewed from several different theoretical perspectives, including the mercantilist, liberal, and Structuralists (Marxist or neo-Marxist) perspectives. Realists, focus on competing interests and capabilities of nation-states in a competitive struggle to achieve power and security. Liberals are optimistic about the ability of humans and states to construct peaceful relations and world order. Economic liberals, in particular, would limit the role of the state in the economy in order to let market forces decide political and social outcomes. Structuralists ideas are rooted in Marxist analysis and focus on how the dominant economic structures …show more content…

International political economy grew in importance as a result of various dramatic international economic events, such as the collapse of the Bretton Woods international monetary system in 1971 and the oil crisis of …show more content…

Economic Structuralists see this unequal division of core and periphery creating what they call "Dependency theory". Dependency theory is a historical condition which has formed a certain structure of world economy in a way that it favors some countries to the disadvantage of others and limits the possibility of development possibilities in subordinate economic countries. This leads toa situation in which the economy of a certain group of countries is dependent on the development and expansion of another economy (Dos Santos, 1971: 226). Constructivists do recognize the anarchic world, however its structure is not as realists perceive it to be in material terms but rather defined in cultural or ideational terms and nonetheless this anarchic system is not constant (Viotti and Kauppi, 2012:

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