Mutual funds can play an important role in the growth of the economy of a country. Mutual funds are a desired investment destination for each individual/ organization if the fund houses offer not only the expertise in the management of the resources, but also many other services. A unit trust is a medium of communication for investing in shares and bonds. It is not an alternative choice for an investment in stocks and bound; but rather pools the money of different investors and invests it in stocks, borders, money mutual fund pools resources of thousands of investors and diversifies its investments in many different companies, such as shares, bonds and other securities spending extremely relative safety and efficiency. Mutual funds have become one of the most effective and attractive opportunities for the average person to invest their money. Mutual fund is a process or system or structure of pooling the saving of large number of investors with a purpose or objective of effective yield and appreciation in their value Mutual Funds managers have a range of investment products but still in our country is not to classify this sector or analyzes various custom products, the investor should therefore.
Not too many years ago, mutual funds were just wide investment instruments developed to simplify investing in individual securities. Mutual funds also a higher degree of safety through broad diversification and the type of top notch professional management that is usually outside the range of the small shareholder.
Today, however, mutual funds are specialized and this time almost unlimited variety. The types of mutual fund portfolios available run the range of conservative to aggressive, from stocks to bonds, of domestic to in...
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... well as the durability of the owners of the company. The management of the mutual funds charges the management fee for this purpose. The growth of the investment funds that we have examined here is based on the determinants that have an impact on the growth of the investment funds and is dependent on the negative and the positive effects of these determinants.
Today, however, mutual funds are specialized and this time almost unlimited variety. The types of mutual fund portfolios available run the range of conservative to aggressive, from stocks to bonds, of domestic to international portfolios, of the taxable tax-free, and virtually no risk of money market funds and high risk options (Jacobs, 2001).
Mutual funds are one of the best investments ever made because they are very cost effective and very easy to invest in (a not to find out what files or bonds to buy).
Student Answer: Professional management and diversification are the major reasons investors purchase mutual funds, as well as they are easy to invest in for beginning investors or those who lack large amount of money as required by other types of investments. Investment companies are employed with experienced and profession fund managers who research and devote a lot of time to finding the perfect securities for their investment portfolios. The diversification allows for gains, even in a loss, because one investment in a mutual fund can offset the loss of another by it’s gains. Basically, your investments are scattered around and offer somewhat of a safety net for your
This structure was beneficial for the decision-making and profit generation for the clients and gave incentive to the fund manager to get a good investment performance. If clients were solely focused on investment performance and the entire peer group also kept to adopt the traditional model, this approach proved effective to business growth.
Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMF) were first established in 1971, and they are a type of mutual fund that is required to invest in low risk securities. These securities include highly liquid assets that have short-term debt such as: Commercial Paper, Certificates of Deposit, US Treasuries, and Repurchase agreements. MMMF’s hold a net asset value (NAV) of $1 per share, while the change in interest rates reflect the yield earned for investors. MMMF’s are an attractive place for investors to keep money because they can be tax-free or tax deductible, also there are usually fees to enter or wi...
Managers are encouraged to act more in the interest of shareholders and the amount of leverage in the capital structure affects firm profitability (Ebaid, 2009).
Brigham, Eugene F., and Houston, Joel F. Fundamentals of Financial Management. Second ed. Dryden, New York, © 1999.
The Supreme Court established Weingarten Rights in 1975 because of National Labor Relations Board v. J. Weingarten, Inc., which was a supermarket company. Weingarten Rights include the right for employees to have a representative, of their choice, present at meetings that may result in disciplinary action against the employees. In other words, Weingarten Rights guarantee an employee the right to Union representation during an investigatory interview. The Supreme Court ruled that there be three rules in place during an investigatory interview. The rules are as followed:
Ross, S.A., Westerfield, R.W., Jaffe, J. and Jordan, B.D., 2008. Modern Financial Management: International Student Edition. 8th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.
William Sharpe, Gordon J. Alexander, Jeffrey W Bailey. Investments. Prentice Hall; 6 edition, October 20, 1998
To outperform relative to a fund’s benchmark, an active manager must take positions that are different from the benchmark. Those holdings can differ from that of the benchmark in one of two ways: stock selection—selecting those shares that will outperform the benchmark from the universe of stocks—or factor bets, underweighting or overweighting sectors and industries of the market. Since fund managers favor one approach or the other, it’s often difficult to quantify the role of active management across all funds.
The execution of our investment strategy occurred in three stages. First, we invested in t-bills and bonds according to our original set out investment plan. This was to decrease potential losses and risk associated with the declining equity market. Therefore, we invested about two hundred thousand of our funds into these low risk assets to maintain buying power. Due to inflation, we did not want to lose buying power by leaving funds in an account without earning interest. Further, we invested a small portion of funds into the commodity market. With a slumping equity market and a positive outlook on the gold commodity, we invested in Gold Corporation at the same time we invested in income assets.
Tanner is not giving good advice to his friend Jackson, because before you start investing in a stock mutual fund or in a Roth IRA, first you have to invest in yourself, get your degree. Education and knowledge is the best investment with the most return that you will get. Jackson has to follow the baby steps before anything, he has to stay out of debt, and making sure he has enough money to finish his education.
According to Investopedia (Asset Allocation Definition, 2013), asset allocation is an investment strategy that aims to balance risk and reward by distributing a portfolio’s assets according to an individual’s goals, risk tolerance and investment horizon. There are three main asset classes: equities, fixed-income, cash and cash equivalents; but they all have different levels of risk and return. A prudent investor should be careful in allocating each asset class to his portfolio. Proper asset allocation is a highly debatable subject and is not designed equally for everybody, but is rather based on the desires and needs of the individual investor. This paper discusses the importance of asset allocation, the differences and the proper diversification within the portfolio.
As an investor with several types of securities, I am looking for long-term stability towards a retirement fund. The combination of several different stocks and mutual funds allows for the safety of the investments. By investing long-term in different accounts, I have the ability to gain more in the long-run with less risk of not lose all my savings on one investment.
Theoretical model of modern economic growth shows that long-term economic growth and raise the level of per capita income depends on technological progress. This is because of without technological progress and with the increase of capital per capita, marginal returns of capital would diminish and output per capita growth would eventually stagnate (Solow, 1956; Swan, 1956). Studies have shown that “experience, skills and knowledge in the long-term economic growth is playing an increasingly important role” (World Bank, 1999). Despite how technological progress work on economic growth, and how there are different views on the role of in the end, but I am afraid no one would deny that technical progress in the important role of economic development. In this sense, for a country to achieve long-term economic growth, we must continue to promote technological progress. However, economic growth theory is analyzed in general, and usually under the assumption that in the closed economy, and technological progress in a country not normally have taken place in various departments at the same time, and now the economy are often increasingly open economy. In this way, the technological progress in different economic impact on a country may be quite different. In addition, we assume that technological progress is Hicks neutral, is to an industry in itself, but technological progress also reflects the establishment of new industries and development. The new industries and technology-intensive industries generally older than the high, the use of less labor. Even the old industries, the general trend of technological progress is labor-saving.
The Modern portfolio theory {MPT}, "proposes how rational investors will use diversification to optimize their portfolios, and how an asset should be priced given its risk relative to the market as a whole. The basic concepts of the theory are the efficient frontier, Capital Asset Pricing Model and beta coefficient, the Capital Market Line and the Securities Market Line. MPT models the return of an asset as a random variable and a portfolio as a weighted combination of assets; the return of a portfolio is thus also a random variable and consequently has an expected value and a variance.