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Introduction, the economic growth and development in Nigeria
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Nigeria is the largest country in Africa and accounts for 47% of West Africa’s population stretching a land are of 910,770 (sq. km). It richly endowed human and natural resources, making it the African destination of choice for serious investors to take advantage of a potentially large market. The government’s “Vision 20:2020” Plan seeks to position Nigeria as one of the top 20 economies in the world by the year 2020. Will Nigeria live up to its goal?
This essay seeks to address the question by examining its: i) economic indicators, ii) comparative advantage, iii) trade patterns in relation to gravity model of trade, iv) attractiveness for international firms and finally conclude by raising future economic problems.
Economic characteristics
Population/ Unemployment
The total population in Nigeria was last recorded at 168.8 million people in 2012 from 73.7 million in 1980. Population doubled in the last 30 years . (World Bank 2013) Over the last 20 years, it has a consistent average of 2.7% annual growth rate . The population of Nigeria represents 2.35 percent of the world´s total population which arguably means that one person in every 43 people on the planet is a resident of Nigeria. Its labor force constitute 1/3 of its population as close to half of its population are aged below 14 years and less than 5% aged 60 and above due to poverty or diseases. (UN 2013) However with its large population, it faces huge unemployment rate of 23.9% in 2011, up from 21.1% in 2010. Its average rate was 14.6 %. (Appendix 1) Unemployment in the 15-24 age group amounted to 37%, as for 25-44 years was 22.4%.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Nigeria’s economy is worth 242.9billion US dollar, and is experiencing a period of overall growth. (Appen...
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...nk. 2013. The Africa Competitiveness Report 2013. [online] Available at: http://www.worldbank.org/content/dam/Worldbank/document/Africa/Report/africa-competitiveness-report-2013-main-report-web.pdf [Accessed: 8 Dec 2013].
Data.worldbank.org. 2013. Liner shipping connectivity index (maximum value in 2004 = 100) | Data | Table. [online] Available at: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IS.SHP.GCNW.XQ [Accessed: 8 Dec 2013].
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National Planning Commssion. 2011. The Transformation Agenda. [online] Available at: http://www.npc.gov.ng/vault/Transformation.pdf [Accessed: 8 Dec 2013].
Nigeriaintel.com. 2013. Brain drain. [online] Available at: http://www.nigeriaintel.com/2013/09/17/brain-drain/ [Accessed: 8 Dec 2013].
"News." Africa Continues to Grow Strongly but Poverty and Inequality Remain Persistently High. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.
Priscilla. “The World Economy and Africa.” JSpivey – Home – Wikispaces. 2010. 29 January 2010. .
total value of the imports of the country. It benefits Nigeria’s oil, natural gas, coal,
Niger, home of the free flowing Niger River, is a Sub-Saharan, western African nation. Sadly, it is an extremely poor country because part of the country is desert and less than 3% open for crop use. The present economic situation is bleak at best. Yet, the vibrant tradition and history of this country lives today in its tribes and its people even through all of its adversities. From severe droughts to military coups to a dysfunctional government to the culture has stayed strong.
Despite the numerous wealth generated on a daily basis from oil exportation over the years and the vast amount of untapped resources laying in commercial quantity, the country does not have a single or recognize means of directly addressing the welfare of its citizenry. Only the present democratic administration has promised to execute out a compulsory cash transfer of N5,000 to the poorest 25 million Nigeria (based on some conditions), pay graduating corp members some stipends for a year and design a one-meal a day for public primary school
Africa is a continent rich in natural resources and it may be surprising that its resources haven’t been enough to pull it out of poverty. Although there are many resources, there are also many issues. Many of Africa’s industries are focussed on raw materials. For example, agriculture is the main industry in Africa, employing two-thirds of the working population and contributing 20% to 60% of every country’s GDP. Forestry is also an important industry and contributes up to 6% of Africa’s GDP, which is higher than any other continent. Fishing, another main industry in Africa, is valued at $2.7 billion USD and provides income for 10 million people. Africa also focusses on exporting raw materials such as metals and minerals, including uranium, platinum, nickel, bauxite and cobal. These raw materials are used around the world to produce nuclear energy, industrial
Oghre, Ben. “Nigeria’s Population Is A Silent Killer .” Nigerians of America. N.p., 30 Sept. 2007. Web. 5 Feb. 2012. .
The article examines some of the influential theories in the domain of international trade including hyperglobalisation and comparative advantage. The publisher was keen to demonstrate how the theories need to be embraced since hyperglobalisation promotes investments flows from partners pursuing such trading agreements. The trading partners can still reduce their operation cost such as transportation while still navigating the complexities of hyperglobalisation. The author also endeavored to demystify the terminology of comparative advantage by issuing examples and previous concerns reported on the subject. It has been hailed that the traders often traded as per their factor endowments by concentrating on spheres of their specialty. The author also hinted to the readers that the theory of comparative advantage is a major concept since it is the first theory that economics students are briefed on. Arguments in support of the theory reveals that countries that have this level of visibility stand to benefit massively once they specialize in areas of their specialty. He purp...
Its neighbors include Cameroon and Chad to the east, Niger to the north and Benin to the west. Nigeria is a very important country in Africa since it exports oil worldwide. Agriculture and industry constitute most of Nigeria's economic activity. Women represent an estimated 60-80 percent of the agricultural labor force, producing about two-thirds of the food crops. Currently, Nigeria's population exceeds 110 million.
According to Samuels in Case Studies in Comparative Politics, Nigeria began as a group of states and empires, which were conquered by the British Empire who ruled Nigeria through indirect rule with varying degrees of rule in North and South Nigeria (Samuels, 323-326). Since they were granted independence in 1960, three republics have been created and each has ended by military rule, which led to the creation of the fourth, and current republic in Nigeria. In the current regime Nigeria’s GDP is ranked 108 of 156 and has been decreasing, lower than some of the non oil-producing nations in Africa (“Nigeria”).
The objective of this report is to give understanding on the culture of Nigeria, the diversity of its people and the overwhelming struggles that exist. It also discusses the movements of the people, and how kingdoms arose and grew, and the expansions in their industries, in petroleum and their rural contributions, also the demographic features of the population of Nigeria, including population density, ethnicity, economic status, religious affiliations and added aspects of the population, and how Nigeria incorporates a more complete range of climate settings, and the environmental dangers the lands face, with corrosion, and the campaigns local and national, that fight to protect land from industrial development. The country's land that varies greatly, with lowlands in the south, hills and plateaus in the central region and plains in the north, with coastal swamps and tropical forests take over the southern lands, while the north is mostly savannah and semi-desert.
Nigeria, with its prodigous oil and natural gas reserves, has the potential to be one of the most affluent places on the planet, were it not for the rampant corruption that defines it. Instead, it is the 20th poorest country in the world1. Much like the guanxi of China, Nigeria practices prebendalism—the use of high-level positions to gain personal wealth. In other words, people exchange money for political favors, which of course creates a greedy and corrupt society. The extent of this fraudulency is such that most of Nigeria's oil wealth is sucked up by one per cent of the population, while more than 60% falls below the poverty line. In fact, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has determined that 92% of Nigeria lives on less than one dollar a day2. Meanwhile, it is estimated that in the past 50 years, three to four hundred billion dollars have been stolen by government officials.
The measure of petroleum abundance and production in Nigeria is measured by the United States. According to the statistical data and the U.S. measures, Nigeria reserves make the country the tenth petroleum-richest nation, and by far, one of the most affluent countries in Africa. In the middle of 2001 its crude oil production was averaging around 2.2 million barrels per day. Though, there is a very prominent market for offshore rigs, nearly all of Nigeria’s primary reserves are in and around the delta of the Niger river. Ever since Nigeria became independent, it is one of the few oil producing countries that can increase its oil output drastically. The g...
Discussions of Nigeria gender equality in recent times have focused on steps taken towards putting women in their proper prospects. In the past, each gender had clearly defined roles and the issue of gender conflict never arose. The extent of gender inequality had been hidden for so long that its seriousness in the present time of Nigeria is now attracting international attention. The 2012 Gender in Nigeria Report recently shows that gender inequality not only exists in the country, but at highly worrying levels. There is a lack of gender balance in the economy, education, politics, health, access to justice and almost all areas of human development.
World Bank. Independent Evaluation Group. World Bank (2013). Results and performance of the World Bank Group: Volume 1. Retrieved from World Bank website: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/PROJECTS/Resources/40940-1367867968385/2013_WorldBankforResults.pdf