Eating Disorders Research Paper

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Eating Disorders and the Media Have you ever picked up a magazine and thought to yourself, “What I would do to have a perfect body like this girl or boy?” I can say I have caught myself comparing my body to other female bodies around me all the time. It’s in our nature. We all have this image in our heads of what the perfect body is, but is our idea of the perfect body unrealistic. We find ourselves going on crash diets, spending countless hours at the gym doing exercises we cannot pronounce, buying some crazy diet pills just to shed off three extra pounds, and for what? I believe women do these things for some type of acceptance from society. In our minds we just want to be like everyone else, and if we have the perfect body, what else could we possibly need. Is spending five hours at the gym and eating less than 500 calories a day really worth your dignity? Who knew a piece of paper with a photo-shopped girl on the cover could do so much damage? In the United States, around 86 deaths in 100,000 between the ages of 15-24 are accredited to anorexia nervosa. Personal Effect Eating disorders have effected young women for a long time. There are many factors that contribute to a young woman obtaining an eating …show more content…

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that individuals restrict their caloric intake and increase exercise, causing their bodies to become malnourished and weak. They begin to take part is crash diets, and exercise constantly. Some people with an eating disorder will refuse to eat in front of others so that they do not realize they have an eating problem. The other is Bulimia Nervosa, where the person binge eats a substantial amount of food and then purges. The term nervosa, is fear of becoming overweight.

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