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Pat Barker’s Union Street is one of the first feminine books. The term feminism is considered to be a representation of the images of women declared by literature. The scope of this movement was to examine the authorship as well as the consistency of women. (Barry116) It was particularly written in an era when people had to face Margaret Thatcher’s England. She was the first and only female Prime Minister of Great Britain and she had also been constantly referred as the “iron lady”. Considering Margaret Thatcher’s gender, the reader ends up supporting that her sex had nothing to do with her politics. It was in other words, a secondary issue. (n.p) Margaret Thatcher’s authority as well as her power ended up being abused. “Mrs. Thatcher's unique mark was also felt in the two confrontations that ultimately undid her. The first was the poll tax, which was disastrous, unjust and was her policy alone.” (n.p) In order to be more specific based on her ideologies and strategies, British people had to leave under cruel conditions. The power and the influence of the made unions was reduced as well as a huge amount of jobs have been lost. Additionally, Pat Barker’s novel is considered to be a reflection towards the conflicts of maintaining a community and its identity in a working class culture. The reader seems to be aware of how the loss of thousand jobs can be regarded as a serious, negative affection towards the relationship between the two genders. Pat Barker’s “Union Street” also addresses the issue based on gender relations and how the loss of economic secure can destroy the unity of a family as well as the relation between the two distinctive sexes. The term Union can be regarded as a nostalgic imagination of working class life as wel...

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...lay are in searched for a home. It could be also argued that, in this particular book the meaning of the word home has not only to do with the feeling of being safe in a building but also with the feeling of being accepted. Every single woman needs to be loved. The female body was not constructed to be vanished but rather to be marveled from the male eyes. The needs to have an identity as well as the desire for home are what keep every single repressed woman alive. It is quite magnificent how every single chapter of the book ends. Through her words, Pat Barker leaves a dance of possibility. There are divine visions of flight and regeneration of all women. Barker also demonstrates the feeling of hope and the possibility of change. Women have the ability to bury lots of images in their minds. They possess a great spiritual power which no male figure can put up with.

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