Duck Dynasty

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Scenario 1 Duck Dynasty is the number one rated cable television show on the A& E Network. The Robertson’s are a large close knit family that are a devoutly religious and often share their religious beliefs with their viewers. Not only do the Robertson’s have a successful television show, they also have a multi-million dollar business called Duck Commander. Duck Commander became famous for their duck calls and their success has excelled from there. Because of their fame and fortune the family is often thrust into the public spectrum through interviews with the media. In December 2013, during an interview with GQ magazine, the journalist Drew Magary asked Phil Robertson patriarch of the Duck Dynasty family the question “What do you consider sinful?”(Patriarch Phil Robertson Suspended, 2013) Phil responded with some controversial ill-advised statements regarding homosexual behavior. Immediately following the release of Phil’s statements a media firestorm erupted. The Gay Rights Group GLAAD got involved and publically condemned his statements and said “Phil knows nothing about gay people.” (Patriarch Phil Robertson Suspended, 2013) Thousands of outraged citizens, fans, and Gay Rights activists pressured the A&E Network to take a stand against Phil because of his remarks; the network immediately suspended Phil indefinitely. The Robertson’s received massive amounts of support and many people did not agree with his suspension from the show. Sarah Palin tweeted “Free speech is an endangered species: Those ‘intolerants’ hatin and taking on Duck Dynasty patriarch for voicing personal opinion take on all of us.” (Patriarch Phil Robertson Suspended, 2013) The governor of Louisiana also publically criticized the A&E network for the su... ... middle of paper ... ... playing football. The ethics of care framework would help them approach the problem by their admission that there is a problem; the NFL would show that they believe all human life is valuable and that it is not ethical to submit players to dangerous situations on the field. They could coordinate meetings and training sessions with all members of the team including players, management, team personnel. By addressing the issue of concussions and having honest and open communications with players in the league, the fans, and the media the NFL could also help educate younger football players and their parents on the possible risks and dangers of playing a full contact sport such as football. This type of education from that young of an age would stick with the football players through high school, college, and even into the pro leagues if the player made it that far.

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