Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Duality Essay

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“Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences,” (Robert Louis Stevenson). There are consequences for all poor action. We must all eventually take responsibility for the errors we make in our personal lives, and in the lives of others. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is well known for its take on duality, and multiple personality disorders. The main character Dr. Jekyll, desired to split himself into two different sides, his good side, Jekyll, and his bad side, Hyde. The experiment is successful primarily, but as time stretches, so does the extremity of Hyde’s power over Jekyll. When Jekyll comes to realize his misconception of Hyde’s purpose, he must ultimately attempt to end Hyde’s life, but in order to do this, he …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Having curiosity is a wonderful thing. The trick is to be wise with it. If one cannot conquer their own wonder, how can they conquer life? They cannot. This is why Jekyll parishes, he was curious, but not fully wise. Duality is well known throughout the world. There is good and evil all around people, they just have to be observant. Dr. Jekyll was well aware of his co-mingled person; he just was not the best at knowing how to deal with it. There was more to Jekyll than just Hyde, much more. He was not just a puzzled man with evil in his heart; he was also insightful and remorseful deep in himself. Stevenson wrote this novel with a purpose. “The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish” (Robert Louis Stevenson). Stevenson strives for individuals to accept the inevitable dualities of their beings, not to fear it, but to embrace it. Being one-sided is boring; having personalities is a beautiful thing. Though, they must be cautious with their soul, and maintain control to an extent. There will always be ones who stray too far, but if done right the individual has created such a unique being in themselves. That’s what is needed. That’s what Stevenson is saying. If people are to be co-mingled of all these opposite forces, they need to bring themselves to a balance to create a successful world. Consider the fact that everyone is a Dr. Jekyll, struggling with themselves. Some just happen to even themselves out more effectively than others. Everyone is a Dr. Jekyll. The sooner they recognize this, and learn to balance themselves, the more productive they shall be for themselves and

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