Dual Relationship Summary

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This presentation teaches us about the problematic issues that may occur as a result of dual relationships with clients in current treatment, or those that have recently received services from the practicing professionals. Anytime the counselor, or client assumes the role of sharing responsibilities outside of counseling services, a dual relationship has formed. The presentation provides examples demonstrating the dangers that may occur as a result of bartering with a client, developing personal relationships outside of counseling, and the challenges that may occur as a result of a business relationship being developed.

The narrative teaches us that boundary crossing should only be used to aid the client. As with anything there are limits, and boundary crossing can become a violation. The presenters’ discussed how the misuse of authority in any capacity can result in harm to the client. These acts are …show more content…

Section A.5 entitled Prohibited Non-Counseling Roles and Relationships states, that any relationship that is not beneficial to the client shall be avoided at all cost. The guideline indicates that the counselor is only permitted to interact/ and or establish outside relationships after receiving a client’s consent, deeming that this/these relationships are needed, and appropriate in the therapeutic process.
Sections A.5 letters a, b, and c indicate that at no time during treatment are romantic relationships appropriate. However, if at any time a counselor/client decides to engage in a personal relationship, the relationship should not be established prior to termination. In addition to termination guidelines when considering the development of a relationship, there should be a five year waiting span between the client and counselor.


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