The American Northern border with Canada is 4,000 miles stretching from Washington State to Maine with 115 border crossing points that are manned (U.S. Border Patrol 2014). Likewise, the Southern border with Mexico is 2,000 miles stretching from Texas to California with 61 manned border crossing points (U.S. Border Patrol 2014). The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has worked diligently to emplace a wall and vehicle barriers to prevent drug smugglers and illegal immigrants from crossing the southern border while improving the port crossing along the northern border. The borders had a combined flow of 25,755,204 pedestrian’s travelers and 111,595,575 vehicles both passenger and commercial carrying 186,865,756 passengers. The commercial vehicles also carry 13,598,408 containers for 2013. Manning these ports and patrolling the vast 6,000 miles of border are a force of 20,000 Customs and Border agents (Research and Innovative Technology Administration 2014).
This study addresses how the Department of Homeland Security has incorporated unmanned aircraft to protect America’s borders. The Department of Homeland Security received authorization in 2003 to purchase one Predator Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) (Barry 2013). The Predator B is stationed at Sierra Vista, Arizona and flies in support of securing the border between Mexico and the U.S... Unmanned aircraft bring a new and dynamic advantage when it comes to surveillance and incorporating cutting edge technology. During FY13, the Border Patrol seized 2,428,419 pounds of marijuana along the Southwest, border according to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (2014). Is the Department of Homeland Security employing unmanned aircraft to their full capacity to secure A...
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RT USA. "US Customs Grounds Drone Fleet after $12 Million Unmanned Aircraft Crashes off of California." RT USA. January 28, 2014. Accessed June 13, 2014.
" Southern Border." Southern US Border Barrier. Accessed June 12, 2014.
"U.S. Customs and Border Protection." U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Accessed June 13, 2014.
U.S. Department Of Homeland Security, Office Of Inspector General. OIG-14-40 Independent Review of U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Reporting of FY 2013 Drug Control Performance Summary Report, February 14, 2014. Accessed June 13, 2014.
Officers would patrol the political boundary, known as line watches, between the two nations. These line watches were ineffective because of the size of their jurisdictions and the sheer size of the borderlands between Mexico and the United States. Soon it became clear to Border Patrol officers that most illegal migrant activity developed in the greater borderlands regions than along the boundary between Mexico and the United States. “Instead of enforcing the boundary between the US and Mexico, BP officers patrolled backcountry trails and conducted traffic stops on borderland roadways to capture unsanctioned Mexican immigrants as they travelled from the border to their final
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Office for State and Local Law Enforcement. n.d. web. 10 November 2013.
Controversy has plagued America’s presence in the Middle East and America’s usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) contributes vastly to this controversy. Their usefulness and ability to keep allied troops out of harm’s reach is hardly disputed. However, their presence in countries that are not at war with America, such as Pakistan and Yemen, is something contested. People that see the implications of drone use are paying special attention to the civilian casualty count, world perspective, and the legality of drone operations in non-combative states. The use of drone technology in the countries of Yemen and Pakistan are having negative consequences. In a broad spectrum, unconsented drone strikes are illegal according to the laws of armed conflict, unethical, and are imposing a moral obligation upon those who use them. These issues are all of great importance and need to be addressed. Their legality is also something of great importance and begins with abiding to the Laws of Armed Conflict.
United States Border Patrol has been around since 1904 enforcing and regulating laws under the immigration and Nationality Act. U.S. border patrol is now under the Department of Homeland Security, which was created as a response to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Over the years, their jurisdiction and missions have changed to better protect the safety of nation. Although border patrol is a need for any nation, their extensive acceptations to constitutional laws can often be taken advantage of. The mission of the U.S. border patrol should be to prevent illegal aliens, which are a threat to American society, from reaching their purpose. Frequently, their purpose can be confused or executed in a bias manner.
The Web. 21 Mar. 2014. The 'Standard' of the 'Standard'. “Border Patrol Overview: U.S. Customs and Border Protection.” Web. The Web.
The Global Commission on Drug Policy (2011). War on Drugs Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy June 2011. Retrieved from
President’s Drug Policy (2004). National Drug Control Strategy. Retrieved on April 13, 2005 from
U.S. Customs and Border Protections (CBP). Department of Homeland Security, n.d. Web. 22 Apr, 2014.
The Mexican-American border barriers were originally built as part of a three-pronged approach to diminish illicit contraband, drug smuggling, and illegal immigrants. This operation would curtail drug transport routes from Central America. Three headquarters were established along the Unites States border: operation gatekeeper in California, Operation Hold-the-Line in Texas, and Operation Safeguard in Arizona. These strategically placed headquarters have done an outstanding job securing our borders the past decade, however with drug smuggling on the rise, they require much more support from the government. Regrettably, adversaries of the barriers claim that they are more of a political gambit to instigate foreign affairs and a complete waste of taxpayers’ money. These opponents see the United States-Mexico barrier as an unsuccessful deterrent to illegal immigrants and unwanted drugs that ultimately and inaptly endangers the security and wellbeing of immigrants seeking refuge in the States.
Stanley, J & Crump, C (2011). Protecting Privacy From Aerial Surveillance: Recommendations for Government Use of Drone Aircraft. New York: American Civil Liberties Union. p5-22.
One of the latest and most controversial topics that has risen over the past five to ten years is whether or not drones should be used as a means of war, surveillance, and delivery systems. Common misconceptions usually lead to people’s opposition to the use of drones; which is the reason it is important for people to know the facts about how and why they are used. Wartime capabilities will provide for less casualties and more effective strikes. New delivery and surveillance systems in Africa, the United Air Emirates and the United States will cut costs and increase efficiency across the board. Rules and regulations on drones may be difficult to enforce, but will not be impossible to achieve. The use of drones as weapons of war and delivery and surveillance systems should not be dismissed because many people do not realize the real capabilities of drones and how they can be used to better the world through efficient air strikes, faster delivery times, and useful surveillance.
What is border security? The United States Customs and Border Protection define border security as a “top priority is to keep terrorists and their weapons from entering the U.S. while welcoming all legitimate travelers and commerce. CBP officers and agents enforce all applicable U.S. laws, including against illegal immigration, narcotics smuggling and illegal importation. Therefore, in order for the United States to be successful in securing the nation’s border, there is an essential need for border security. This has not been an easy challenge but it is something that has to be done otherwise imagine how great a disaster our nation would be. For over 86 years, the United States' approach to securing its border with Mexico has seen many changes and improvements, all of which have contributed positively to the prevention of illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and potential terrorism.
Delivery drones are brand new usage of drone technology in commercial industry. In 2016, Australian Post has decided to trial the use of Drones to deliver mail (Francis, 2016). However, considering the ethical issues and the dangers the drones can introduce to society, Australian Post needs to discontinue the project and must not use drones for delivery. In short, privacy of people will be breached. Secondly, fallen drones will harm people. Lastly, it will reduce the employment rate.
The fleet of drones have been working nonstop and they’ve found more than seven thousand six hundred pounds of marijuana, which adds up to about nineteen million dollars. Other than finding a wide array of drugs, drones can help keep our agents safe on the ground (Ability of Drones). There are a few instances where drones were particularly helpful for the men and women on the ground. One specific way was when a drone was tracking a van filled with drugs, and was most likely headed back to an area, where it would distribute it out. Out of the blue another car appeared warning the van that something was wrong. As the agents swarmed in to capture the men they got away in the river, but the drone used inferred to make sure none of the men had stayed in the woods to ambush the agents. The drone really did its part in keeping the men on the ground safe and aware of the drug runners. Another huge problem now is ISIS. ISIS is becoming extremely powerful, although we as American aren’t that aware of their progression in the terror, they are coming and if we don’t step up our defense, and offence something totally catastrophic will happen to our country for yet another time. ISIS is here, its knocking on our doors and members are already in. we need more drones on surveillance for our borders and we need to wipe them out
Office of the National Drug Control Policy. "National Survey on Drug Use and Health." May 2008. Print. 26 March 2014.