Driving Persuasive Speech

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“It only takes a second to look at your phone to reply to someone that your life is flashed before your eyes.” At any time during the day over 660,000 drivers in the United States use cell phones. In 2000, barely any kids or teens had phones; but now 6 out of 10 U.S parents of children ages 6-12 years old have a cell phone over more than half of teens that can drive has a phone. Cell phones do 3 things to you “visual”- taking your eyes off the road, “manual”- taking hands off of the wheel, and “cognitive”- taking mind off of driving.

Are cell phones dangerous while driving? My opinion is yes, they are very dangerous. A lot of people think that the problem doesn’t exist yet, but the statics of 2011 of texting and driving said over 3,330 …show more content…

Sabrina was texting and driving when she slammed head on with a semi truck. She was killed on impact, but the driver of the semi was able to walk away with minor injuries but he has to deal with the fact a young woman has died. Since 2009 the percent rate of texting and driving went sky high. “Have you ever felt guilty about hurting or getting someone you loved in trouble or even worse death?” Well Amanda has to live with the pain of killing her sister on May 16, 2013. Amanda 19 year old sister was killed in a car accident. She was texting and driving when her truck entered the median and she corrected it and flipped end over end several times before being ejected. Amanda texted her sister “where are you?” and her sister was trying to replyand her life …show more content…

Teens want to show off to all their friends about texting and driving, Brooke was one of those teens until one of her best friends was killed because of her. May 8th after school Brooke had to take Amy (her best friend) home from school. When Brooke got a text and decided to reply, that’s when Brooke ran a red light and a semi hit the passenger side door. Brooke was able to walk away from the accident, but Amy was wheeled away in a body bag, dead.

Dans son, John Barnes, 23, a United States Marine and he was about ready to deploy to Afghanistan. He was willing to sacrifice his life for our country. It wasn’t a war that took JB from us. It wasn’t a bullet or a bomb. It was a text message sent on a little 2” x 4” box that ended his life on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Have you ever seen a car wrapped around a telephone pole? Isaacs’s dad never thought he would see his own son be in a body bag at the age of 17. Isaac was coming home from a party on a Friday night after they won the championship football game when Isaac was texting his girlfriend back, he didn’t see the dog in the middle of the road until he hit the dog that made him ran into the

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