Drinking Alcohol Deviant Behavior

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Imagine yourself and friends going out for an evening to enjoy yourselves. You find yourself in a bar surrounded by loud music, lots of people, and the opportunity to drink just about any type of alcohol you can imagine. Now think about the consequences of this same evening if you do not control your consumption of alcohol. Drinking alcohol in excess can result in decisions and choices that can lead to negative consequences for the individual and possibly others. What many people do not realize is the powerful influence alcohol can have on the human body. Some doctors and researchers believe that alcohol can become an addictive behavior that can have many serious consequences and outcomes on the individual or others. When young or inexperienced …show more content…

Drinking alcohol is not a deviant behavior itself but can become a catalyst to deviant behavior if one does not use the proper care when making the decision to drink. The constructionist theory supports the idea that drinking alcohol is not a deviant behavior or action; it is the over indulgence or lack of care that can lead to deviant behaviors if the individual does not use care when consuming alcohol. Thio, Taylor, Schwartz state, “that deviant behavior by itself does not have any intrinsic characteristics unless it is thought to have these characteristics” (Thio et al, 2013, p. 7). In my opinion, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can lead to violent actions, crime, poor decision making, and career and educational risks. In this paper I will discuss how the over consumption of alcohol can lead a person to exhibit certain deviate …show more content…

Everyone knows that driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal; many do not believe or realize that impairment begins with that first drink. When one makes the decision to get behind the wheel after drinking they are putting themselves and every other driver on the road at risk. There is a significantly higher chance of car accidents occurring when alcohol is involved. This is the result of slowed reaction times and loss of motor skills necessary to safely operate a motor vehicle. The willful decision of a person to consume alcohol and their decision to operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol further support the idea of the constructionalist. Deviant behavior involves free will and not the actions themselves. Drinking alcohol and driving a car is an example of a poor decision involving character and choice. People know the rules when driving a car however some choose to ignore these important rules. Government passes laws and appoints police officers to enforce laws regarding the safe operation of motor vehicles. Driving a car is a privilege and those who choose or are incapable of following the rules of the road are subjected to punishment and lose the privilege to drive. Schwartz states, “Constructionist perspective holds deviant behavior as an expression of human volition, will, or choice” (Schwartz, 2013, p. 9). It is not the alcohol that is the deviant

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