Drake Equation Lab Report

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Since ancient times humans have been trying to understand our place in the universe. The big question many ask is “are we alone in this universe?” Formulas and arguments like The Drake Equation and Fermi’s paradox have been proposed to predict and answer questions like this. Many scientists believe life exist in our galaxy other than us based on the high probabilities The Drake Equation puts forth. However, there are skeptics who believe the one equation to rely on is the one that validates that there is only one other planet in our solar system that has intelligent life and we live in it. Whether life outside of Earth exist or not, exploration of the idea of a biological universe is important for humanity’s understanding of our place in the solar system.
The Drake Equation …show more content…

Frank Drake in 1960, consist of the product of seven variables set equal to the variable, N. The equation is N = R* FP ne FL FI Fc L. Carl Sagan breaks down what each of these variables mean in a video. The variable N represents the number of “advanced civilizations” in the milky way galaxy capable of radio astronomy. The variable R* represents the the number of stars in the galaxy. The variable FP represents the fraction of those stars that have have planets around them. The variable ne represents the fraction of those planets that are able to sustain life. The variable FL represents the factions of planets where life exist. The variable FI represents the fraction of planets that have intelligent life. The variable Fc represents the fraction those planets that are able to communicate with technological advancements. The variable L represents the length of time such planets are a technical

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