Dr Jekyll And Hyde Research Paper

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Gothic genre is very popular among our society, but although it is common many people do not know it. In fact, many movies, shows, and books are gothic while we do not even know. Many people think gothic literature contains people wearing dark and scary clothes, with dark thick eyeliner, and vampires, and demons. The truth is, there is a lot more to gothic literature than you think. For example, Beauty and the Beast, Frankenstein, the orphanage, and even don't breathe, all of these are films and books that are not always thought to be gothic. This essay will specifically target a novel in particular, The Stange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. This is a gothic novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson. For a novel to be considered gothic, …show more content…

In the first chapter, a very rich and respectable man names Dr.Jekyll, will in some way turn into a pure evil monster when he spawns a secret potion that turns him into a man or basically a monster he named "Hyde". Every time he drinks this potion, he turns into Hyde, a hideous, pure evil monster who does terrible crimes "The large handsome face of Dr.Jekyll grew pale to the very lips; and there came a blackness about his eyes. (Stevenson 14). Whenever Hyde commits crimes, Jekyll never feels apologetic for what Hyde does, even though they are the same person, because he uses the excuse that he is not really conscious when he does evil things. Jekyll starts to get addicted to becoming Jekyll because he is tired of having to hide his unacceptable imperfections that are not accepted in society, and becoming Hyde is like a solution for letting go of his dark side. This later changes when Hyde kills a man, but although Jekyll feels bad for what happened, he does not feel responsible for the murderer, instead he feels responsible for Hyde. This makes Jekyll want to stop drinking the potion, and he does. Although he stops, since he did not learn to deal with it on time, it took control over him. As discussed in "The Shadow", when man does not confront and accept his dark side and put them out their to the world, talk about them, and deal with them they will start to take control over you. That is exactly what happens to Jekyll, he hid his evil side from society and from himself like he put it in a bag, that eventually it started to take control over

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