Dr Jekyll And Hyde Character Analysis

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In the novel Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson taken place in London, Dr Jekyll is a well-known civilized doctor that creates a potion in order to convert himself into a man, also known as Mr Hyde, who is a danger to the community in the sense that he tramples children and kills a man. He also mysteriously roams the streets at night to possibly sleep with women or engage in illegal activities. All attributes that could never describe Dr Jekyll’s character. Jekyll’s purpose of creating Hyde’s character is so that he could switch off from being normal to be the complete opposite whenever he chooses, or so that was his plan until Hyde became the dominant personality. Jekyll could have easily behaved the way he wished without the …show more content…

These two personalities are widely set apart on the spectrum, yet it is revealed in the end that they are intertwined in one body, specifically Dr Jekyll’s. The existence of Dr. Jekyll’s alter ego, Mr Hyde, suggests that humans are all composed of good and evil elements. People can never be pure or innocent as a whole because the truth is that everyone has desires to do bad; However, some have the ability to hide it and control it better than others. In his laboratory, Jekyll occupied himself with taking a potion in which he could separate his good and bad personalities by occasionally turning into Hyde. However, the more often he took it, he came to realize that he his ability to transform into Jekyll once again was becoming more difficult than in the beginning; therefore, he would need larger doses of the potion to reverse the transformation. It came to the …show more content…

A specific case in point is Jekyll’s loyal butler, Mr Poole. Having served Jekyll for plenty years, Mr Poole becomes concerned for Jekyll’s wellbeing and seeks help from his close friend, Mr Utterson. He explains that something terrible has happened to Jekyll and that he could be a danger to not only to himself, but the community as well. Poole, like the rest of Jekyll’s servants, could have easily abandoned Jekyll to save themselves from possibly getting attacked or murdered by him, but they chose to stay anyway. Poole’s choice of sticking around demonstrates that he put Jekyll’s best interest before his own. It is an interesting human behavior when someone chooses another individual before themselves. It goes to show that they do not give into selfish thoughts when they had all the chance in the world to do so. The balance of good and bad in each person differs, but it reveals that, depending on the individual, the evil does not have to always win, and that the good nature has just as much of a chance than not winning. It all depends on the individual's character, sense of reasoning, and control over their good and evil natures. The relationship between the different kinds of socio economic classes are that the poor people, such as the servants for all the main characters, are kept off to the side and do not play very important

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