Donna Monologue

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I know I'm going to sound like a crybaby, but I'm cold, tired and extremely weak. The bleeding has finally stopped, but the pain that's constantly shooting through me is making it very hard for me to move around. My leg is so red and swollen I'm afraid I might lose it if I don't get it looked at soon but I’m afraid the dogs will find me if I leave. Since there's no reception in the cave I can't use my cell phone to call for help. Oh, what was I thinking, trying to rob a house without knowing what was waiting for me inside? Being a criminal the majority of my life I should've known better than that. But I let my pride, my greed get in the way, something I promised myself I'd never do. I told everyone I was doing it for Jen and the boys, but …show more content…

"Sure there is." Smiling, she points the gun towards Jen. "I'm going to kill you for taking Tommy away from me and you Tommy for leaving me and our child." "Child? No, we don't have a child." "Yes, we do. His name is Tommy Antonio Campbell after his father and grandfather." "But we never!" "Don't you remember all of the hot nights we spent in Paris, sweetheart." "I swear I never touched her, Jen." "Yes he did and I have a DNA test to prove it. You know, I could make this real simple for you Tommy darling." "How do you plan on doing that?" He asks fearfully. "I could get rid of her so we could be married and live happily ever after. Just you me and our little boy. Don’t that sound wonderful Tommy darling? She asks dreamily. "That wouldn’t work.” “Why not?” “Because you'd be spending the rest of your life in prison for kill her." "That's where you're wrong, love. See, I'll make it look like your friend killed her and then he shot himself. I could even make it look like a love triangle gone bad. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.” "Please, you don't want to do that," Tommy begs. "How else am I going to get you all to myself?" "I'll divorce her and marry you. Just please, let her …show more content…

"Yep, the crew's going to be looking for you and that skank you call a wife." Laughing, she continues. "When they find you they'll ..." "I think we've heard just about enough out of you," Rachel says, dragging her out of the cave. "They'll be coming for you Tommy, for all of you!" She laughs. Tommy The police hauled all of us off to Jail. After spending the entire night being brutally interrogated, the DA finally realized Antonio was responsible for the majority of the crimes. Since their case against me consisted mainly of circumstantial evidence, the DA decided to make a deal with me. He said if I told them everything I knew about my boss and his organization and if I agreed to testify in court they'd drop all the charges against me. Although it was a sweet offer, I knew Lana was right. His crew would find and kill all of us if I testified. *** "This is a onetime offer so you better make up your mind, Tommy." "I'd take it if I was you," my lawyer quickly agreed. "You better take it before your friend Mike does." Jerry adds. "I can't do it." "Alright then, I guess Mike gets the deal," Rachel says, walking towards the

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