Donating Blood

505 Words2 Pages

written by ; ckmadrigal

Donating Blood

Most of the time, daily pressures and responsibilities force us to overlook how important life is. We rarely take the time to consider the small things that we do for others and how these things can affect someone else life. Having an important effect is human blood it is something that everyone need is order to survive. Blood is something that cannot be produced. However, the
Single source of blood that we have is from donating healthy volunteers. First, I would like to speak about the major need for blood donors. Second, the facts about giving blood. Finally, how donating blood can saves lives.

I. The need for blood and its donations.
A. Less than 5% of the population gives blood.
1. Fewer people give blood during the holidays.
2. One million fewer people give blood each year.
B. Blood is perishable and must be replaced freque...

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